
29 June 2007

12w 3d - Ups & Downs

OK so I'm overdue for these... my Ups list grows! Yay!

  • That emotional wall that most women build around them after a loss is still around me. I'm excited but can't help but be cautious and guarded.
  • Most of my regular pants no longer fit, but none of my maternity pants fit. Aargh!
  • My in-laws already stripped wallpaper and tore up carpeting in the "little bedroom" aka "soon-to-be-nursery." (It's still the little bedroom to me.) They accomplished this all in 1 day!! Thanks again Mom & Dad!
  • I got tons of used maternity clothes from friends and new ones for my birthday.
  • I've told "the world" now, so it's "out." It's kind of a relief. Makes it feel more real. My boss(es) have known for a little while and have remained supportive.
  • We heard our baby's heartbeat on Wednesday! (See Wednesday's post.) It was so amazing and reassuring.
  • I've started a new exercise regimen -- walking and Yoga. I found a great DVD Yoga series that takes me through each trimester. It is so relaxing, spirit healing, and even challenging at the same time.

28 June 2007

Converting Pregnancy "Weeks" to "Months"

So far I can say that I am "2 months pregnant" even though I can also say that I'm "12 weeks pregnant." But I thought 12 weeks equals 3 months, you say? Here is the best article/explanation I have been able to locate.

Also if you are interested, there is a calculator to see exactly when you or a preggers lady will hit the trimester milestones. Check it out here. If you would like to try it for our pregnancy, use April 17 as the ovulation date (you should see a Jan. 8 due date toward the bottom).

27 June 2007

12w 1d - First Heartbeat Appointment!

We had our appointment today to hear the heartbeat. Also a urine sample, PAP, and physical. The midwife found the hb right away at 170 bpm and it was so amazing! The baby even swam from it at first and then she had no trouble finding it again. We were able to record it for our nearby loved ones to be able to hear. Today was a big milestone for us as when we went in to hear the heartbeat with our angel in June '06, well of course there wasn't a heartbeat. I thought I'd be nervous today but I was surprisingly calm. I feel a little guilty that I'm not a lot more excited than I am. I think it's mostly the emotional wall that is still up. The super positive news is that our risk of a miscarriage now is less than 3%!

The MW (Donna) was awesome. She allowed lots of time for questions, and she agreed to change our due date on their records to reflect when I ovulated instead of LMP (last monthly period). So it is officially Jan 8 but of course we could realistically still have a Christmas bundle! She even said my uterus felt about 12 weeks along so everything is matching up date wise.

We've decided to decline any genetic screens and will wait for the 20-wk u/s to check for any abnormalities/normalities then. I go back in 4 weeks on 7/25 to hear the heartbeat again (hmm look at that, the anniversary of my D&C)! This year it will be a much happier day!

12w 1d - Appointment Today!

My appointment is in just a few hours. I'm really hoping Little K will cooperate so we can hear that wonderful sound of a heartbeat. Statistically, the risk of a loss goes down to only 3% after you hear the heartbeat. I believe I will feel so much more reassured after we hear/see our baby again. I will update later!

26 June 2007

12w 0d - "Little K" This Week

  • Your baby is about the size of a peach and is growing rapidly. Crown to rump, your baby measures 2.6 to 3.1 inches (6.5 to 7.8cm) and weighs 0.5 to 0.7 ounces (14 to 20g).
  • Your baby's legs are longer than her arms and her skin is red and transparent. Her eyelids are fused together and won't open for about four more months. Her arms are long enough to reach her mouth and she may begin to place her thumb in her mouth. Her sucking reflex, however, is not yet developed.
  • The tissue that will become your baby's bones is being laid out, especially around her head and her arms and legs. Some ribs may be distinguished at this time. The nose and chin are more prominent now.
  • Your baby will begin to practice breathing in the next few weeks as her chest rises and falls in mock breathing motions. She will also swallow small amounts of amniotic fluid which will be passed as urine.
  • Your placenta is providing all of your baby's needs for nutrition, oxygen and waste disposal, though the amniotic fluid will become more important later on.
  • All major components of the body are formed and now must grow and mature. From now on, your baby's development will consist primarily of organ maturity and growth and body refinement.

To Those Struggling to Conceive

To my comrades out there who are still on the journey to conceive... I came across some very beautiful and hopefully inspirational messages today. They certainly spoke to me given what I've been through emotionally and spiritually during our conception journey after the miscarriage and of course the miscarriage itself.

The first is a music video "I Would Die for That" about infertility. The song is indescribable. Any mother or mother-to-be would (or at least should) appreciate it. Grab your tissues. Here is the link:

The second message is from evangelist Joel Osteen. His broadcast messages are now available through podcasts. You can listen or watch from his website here Look for the podcast section and search for episode #350 "Trust God to Do It His Way."

The Holy Spirit has many messages for us to hear if we just listen.

~ Much peace ~

19 June 2007

11w 0d - "Little K" This Week

  • The end of the twelfth week of pregnancy marks the end of the first trimester. Your baby is now almost 2.5 inches long (6.1cm) when measured from crown to rump, and weighs between 0.3 and 0.5 ounces (9 to 13g).
  • Your baby's fingers and toes have separated and are getting longer. Your baby can open and close its mouth and drinks amniotic fluid which it passes out as urine. Its head is becoming more rounded, though it is still large in proportion to its body. It has eyelids.
  • You can now hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler Ultrasound device!
  • Your baby continues to grow rapidly and has doubled in size in the last three weeks alone.
  • The face is beginning to look more human, and all body structures are present with a few refinements still in progress. Fingernails and toenails begin to develop this week.
  • Your baby's muscles are sufficiently developed to allow for involuntary movements at this time. The messages which control your baby's movements are sent from the spine, rather than the brain, which is not yet sufficiently developed.

14 June 2007

The 6w Ultrasound

our little bean!

12 June 2007

10w 0d - "Little K" This Week

Your baby is growing incredibly rapidly right now. She is approximately 1.75 to 2.4 inches (4.4 to 6cm) when measured from crown to rump. She will double her length in the next three weeks. Your growing baby weighs about 0.3 ounces (8g).

The neck is developing and the chin lifts up from the chest. Fingernails are also present. While your baby's sex was already determined at the time of fertilization, male or female genitalia are now visible. Essential organs are formed and most have begun to function. The blood vessels in the placenta are increasing in number to meet your baby's increasing nutritional needs. Her ears are moving towads the sides of her head, away from the neck. Your baby's head is still not in proportion with her body. Your baby's head accounts for about half of her body length.


10w 0d - Ups & Downs

  • I'm feeling more tired lately.
  • My pants are getting tighter.


  • Jason comes home Friday night.
  • "Just" two weeks to hear the heartbeat.

07 June 2007

9w 2d - Due Date Saga

Well to confuse myself (and maybe you) even more... I've decided to use the due date based on ovulation (Jan. 8). That appears that it will be the most accurate (as possible) calculation. Hopefully I can convince the midwives to change the date in their records too.

06 June 2007

9w 4d - Appointment

My appointment was good yesterday. I met with the nurse educator who mostly went over things I've reasearched and know already. General pregnancy highlights, and a semi-lecture on nutrition. I guess she was trying to make me feel a little cautious about my weight since my BMI is on the low end of "normal." And it would not be abnormal for me to gain up to 40-50 lb, although 25-30 would be what the books say is a healthy gain if your weight is normal. (And I am not underweight...)

We got each other quite confused on the due date discussion. I guess she is supposed to go by the LMP (last monthly period) only and told me to "hash it out" with my practitioner later. I explained about my ultrasound measuring younger than that, and if you use my ovulation date you would get an even younger fetus age. So basically they are using January 2 due date, and I am using the u/s age of a Jan. 5 due date. If I go with ovulation, which would probably make the most sense, it's January 8.

The baby will come out when it's ready, but getting this date as close as possible to being accurate is important because a woman gets so uncomfortable by the end, you want the practitioners to know exactly how overdue you really are (assuming you get that far, and many first pregnancies do). She relucatantly offered me an ultrasound, but I didn't want to stress over another early ultrasound, and I knew it's not normal practice for them, so I dropped it and declined. (Later ultrasounds aren't able to measure correct age as accurately.)

So, if I haven't confused you enough... :) My next appointment is the 27th, the first one meeting a CNM (certified nurse-midwife). I should be around 12 weeks and we should be able to hear the heartbeat then! How thrilling!

04 June 2007

9w 2d - Ups & Downs


  • I got pretty queasy on Friday. I was really busy at work and had forgotten to eat between 12:30 and 5! I finally got something around 6 and was fine.
  • Still pretty moody. No crying fits or anything but I just don't feel like "myself."
    Jason left today for Mexico for work for 2 weeks.


  • I heard another raving review about the practice I chose with the OBs and CNMs. I spoke to a woman at church who mentioned that they were even wonderful and caring through her miscarriage a couple of years back. Hmph! Go figure that a woman would need that level of care!
  • My first appointment with them is tomorrow... already!

02 June 2007

9w 0d - "Little K" This Week

  • The crown-to-rump length of your baby is about 1.25 to 1.68 inches (between 3.1 and 4.2cm). He weighs about 0.18 ounces (5g).
  • The placenta is now producing progesterone which helps to make nutrients for your developing baby.
  • Your baby has passed the stage when he is most susceptible to damage. By the end of this week, the danger zone for congenital abnormalities has passed.
  • The plan for your baby's body has been completely laid down by now. Further growth and cell division will build on this plan.
  • Taste and tooth buds have appeared.
  • Your baby has recently developed fingers and toes which are now well-formed. Ankles, wrists and the inner ear have formed. Your baby's nose is flat and his eyes are far apart. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all recognizable. The tail is disappearing.
  • Your baby is moving around the amniotic sac, and moving his feet and ankles. You still will not be able to feel these movements but you may be able to see them on an ultrasound.
  • Blood is circulating through the arteries and the vein of the umbilical cord.
  • The brain of your baby is developing at a phenomenal rate. About one quarter of a million new neurons are produced every single minute at this stage in your pregnancy.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testes, though they are not even clearly visible, are already producing testosterone.
  • Your baby is no longer called an embryo, but rather a fetus.