
31 December 2007

38w 6d - Pampering

For Christmas my mother-in-law treated me to a pedicure and manicure! (Thanks, Mom!) I made the appointment for today and it was wonderful--the brief foot massage especially! I went to a newer spa in Waynesboro and the staff was very friendly. Sometimes you have too many of the employees who don't speak English so the feeling is very "cold." But these folks were great. Now I'll have pretty toes for that glorious birthing day. =)

A funny story came from that New Year's Eve trip. An older woman came in for her first pedicure ever with her granddaughter and great-granddaughter. While we let our toes dry, she asked me about my pregnancy and noted that I would not be allowed to keep on my toe color for delivery. Say again? I told her I had never heard of that, and asked if she was sure that was still true? She seemed pretty confident so I assured her I would ask at my next appointment. During my manicure, she asked her granddaughter who confirmed "they" no longer request this of moms. =) The sweet lady told me that she had her babies 40-some years ago, so it was an old "rule." Apparently they needed your nails clean to check for circulation and hydration. Kind of funny the things they used to "do" to moms. No more enemas or shaving, either!! ;)

Happy New Year! Looks like we will get to meet "Pason" in 2008 after all!

30 December 2007

Kiss da belly :)

Kiss da belly :)
Kiss da belly :),
originally uploaded by Christopher.Johnson.
I thought this photo I came across on Flickr was soooo sweet.....

38 Week Belly Bump

28 December 2007

The Business of Being Born Trailer

It is now available on YouTube, so I couldn't resist posting about it again. If you are anyone who loves babies or are thinking of having one of your own, please try to see this movie. You may add it to your Netflix queue if it is not showing in your area.

26 December 2007

38w 1d - Appointment

I had my 38-week appointment today with the same CNM who I talked a lot with about the GBS+... She was awesome and asked how I was doing with that. I told her that I never got through to 1 of the baby's docs about it but that I have my plan of action and I'm at peace with it... I also plan to start a garlic regimen to reduce the GBS colonization.

She went over some basic advice for the first couple of weeks as parents which I found very nice and helpful, and I was glad Jason was there to hear some of it. =) Such as suggesting that I get out of the house for even an hour and leave him with the baby to put him in a bit different role. We also discussed a little about breastfeeding and bottle feeding.

Pason's heart rate was around 120 I think--we're guessing it was napping. Still head down and in great position. We discussed their protocol if I get to 41 weeks as they don't like to go over 42... And I told her basically there aren't any labor symptoms and she saw that as a good thing so my body wouldn't be messing with my mind driving me crazy and not letting me sleep. =) I've had very occasional back cramping and seldom sharp cervical discomfort, but nothing I can time with any regularity.

Oh and she confirmed if I am using evening primrose oil to help "prime" and thin my cervix. I'm currently using 1500 mg and she suggested I could go up to even 3000 mg anytime now.

They will start doing cervical checks next week (Wednesday) if I want them to. I'm kind of undecided being GBS+ but she said if water isn't broken then risk is minimal, if any.

I've found a great midwifery article about self-treatment of the GBS with garlic and the article also discusses cervical checks if you are interested.

25 December 2007

38w 0d - "Pason" This Week

  • Your baby probably weighs just over 7 pounds (3250g) by now and measures about 14.4 inches (36cm) from crown to rump and has a total length of about 21.5 inches (48cm).
  • Your baby's lungs are the last part to develop before birth. Once the lungs are developed, your baby is ready for life outside the womb.
  • By now your baby has almost run out of space to move in your uterus.
  • Your baby has shed most of her lanugo, though she may still have some on her shoulders and in the creases of her body.
  • Her toenails reach the end of her toes.
  • The umbilical cord, which still is supplying your baby with nutrition as she gains more weight, may be knotted or wrapped around her.
  • Some of your antibodies have crossed the placental barrier and give your baby's immune system a boost to get her started until hers is fully functioning.
  • Your baby could be born any day now.

20 December 2007

37w 2d - "Last" Last HypnoBirthing® Class

Since our last hypnobirthing class was so disjointed with our classmate walking in with her baby and telling their incredibly inspiring story, Kate, our instructor, invited me and J back to her last class tonight of her current class of 2 more couples. We definitely got some more information about birth and the first couple of weeks of parenthood that I found very helpful. I talked to her also about the deeper anesthesia relaxation that I just can't quite seem to get a handle on, and she gave us some other suggestions to try to get that numbing technique to work for me. It could be that my mental block is too great and it just isn't going to work. I will keep trying but not stress over it too much.

19 December 2007

37w 1d - Doula Visit

My doula came for her second visit tonight. We went over techniques/words/actions that I think will help relax me, and I went over some of the basic HypnoBirthing® techniques that have "clicked" with me to relax me in my practice sessions. She's concerned about J feeling uncomfortable or "pushed aside" but I told her I didn't think it would be a concern, and that he understands the value and importance of a doula. I spoke with him later just to be sure, and he confirmed... He said that if it makes his job of my birth companion a little easier, then it sounds like an excellent deal to him! :o)

My friend J was visiting that evening before my doula arrived and got to meet her. She has a great sense of character and said she got good vibes from my doula. I told her that so did I, or I wouldn't have hired her. :-) My friend asked about how to become certified. I told her what I knew and that I think she'd be an amazing doula! I hope she will be able to look into it more down the road. It would be an excellent line of work for her.

18 December 2007

37w 0d - "Pason" This Week

  • On average, at this time, a baby weighs about 6.8 pounds (3100g) and measures about 14 inches (35cm) from crown to rump and 21 inches (47cm) total in length.
  • Your baby is still growing and gaining weight. Your baby may gain as much as 1 ounce (28g) a day at this point.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testes should have descended into the scrotum by this time. Your doctor will check that his testes have descended after delivery. About one percent of boys will have undescended testes.
  • Your baby has been building up waste in his intestines for the past few weeks. Called meconium, this waste is greenish-black and is made up of material from blood cell break down, shedded cells from the lining of the intestine, skin cells and lanugo shed into the amniotic fluid and swallowed, as well as other sources. Meconium is the first waste your baby passes and the first diapers that you change will probably be comprised of this greenish-black, tar-like substance. There is also a chance that your baby will excrete meconium before delivery and have some covering his body.

13 December 2007

36w 2d – Ups & Downs

I haven’t used this topic in a while so I will use it as the outline for a pretty sizeable update.

  • Last week I tested positive for the Group B Strep test. A pretty thorough explanation of it is provided by An otherwise healthy mom can pass GBS to her baby during delivery. It is upsetting to me as the treatment recommended by the CDC is IV antibiotics (Penicillin), and therein lies a risk of later developing thrush, and, even worse yet, the baby being exposed to any bacteria that are antibiotic resistant and become “super bacteria.” I plan to ask more questions to Pason’s doctor whom we have selected to see us at the hospital. (We will then transfer the baby’s care to our local area.)
  • Our crib arrived with considerable shipping damage, but we’ve already received the beautiful replacement. (This is definitely also an “up!”)
  • Bad (icy) weather is possible this Saturday when we are supposed to have another baby shower.
  • I’m starting to not sleep as well. I’m definitely in month 9!
  • I've hired a labor/birth doula! We met with her the first time a couple of weeks back.
  • On the 8th I was honored to attend our second baby shower in Shenandoah. Tremendous thanks go to Andrea & Kathryn for all their hard work, beautiful cake, and other yummy food, and to all the wonderful ladies who attended and who have sent plentiful baby gifts!
  • The nursery is close to completion. We haven’t felt rushed or pressured since we plan to keep Pason in our bedroom at first. I welcome feedback on the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper that we plan to use!
  • Last CNM (certified nurse-midwife) appointment yesterday was excellent. Pason’s heart rate approximately 143. My BP 110/72. My weight gain good—I think around 25 lb, not sure exactly where I started. Fundal height 37 cm. Provided my birth plan to the midwife. We discussed the GBS+ result and how it may affect my labor experience. I got her talking pretty well, and J got to ask a few questions such as what defines fetal distress? We probably spent 45 minutes with her. :) I love the midwifery care model!
  • We finally decided about a week ago to stay with the plan to birth at the hospital instead of the new natural birthing center. A lot of factors went into our decision, but overall we are glad we did our research (regarding hospital and birth center births) and feel confident we have made an informed decision. Perhaps, if we have a “next time,” the birth center will be better established and we will feel more comfortable and know better what to expect.

11 December 2007

36w 0d - "Pason" This Week

  • Your baby is now considered full term. He weighs approximately 6.5 lbs (2950g) and his total length is about 21 inches (47cm). Your baby's crown to rump measurement is about 14 inches (35cm).
  • By now, your baby's head may have engaged into your pelvis.
  • You may feel that your baby occasionally has hiccups from his "practice breathing.”
  • Though your baby is considered full term, he is still growing and developing both his body and his brain.
  • He is still laying down fat at a rate of more than half an ounce every day.

06 December 2007

34 Week Belly & Shower

We had a shower on Saturday at Jason's Aunt's house. Thanks so much, Aunt Doris & Uncle Glenn!! And thanks to everyone for the wonderful baby items for Pason!

Thanks to cousin Betsy for her beautiful baking craftsmanship!

And then here is my 34-week bump! Who the heck is that?!?

35w 2d - Weight Gain To Date

Still within "normal" ranges... :-)

Gained in 1st trimester: 4.0 lb
Gained in 2nd trimester: 11.8 lb
Gained in 3rd trimester: 8.4 lb
To Date: 24.2 lb

04 December 2007

35w 0d - "Pason" This Week

  • Your baby weighs about 6 lbs (2750g) and measures about 20.7 inches (46cm) in length. Crown to rump measurement is about 13.5 inches (34cm).
  • Your baby now feels lower in your pelvis.
  • Your baby continues to grow, kick, and move about.
  • Your baby's face has filled out and the cheeks now look plump and full. Fat baby cheeks are caused by fat deposits, but also by powerful sucking muscles which your baby has been honing by sucking her thumb.
  • Your baby's skull is firm, but it is not hard as it needs to give a little when it is passing through the birth canal.
  • Your baby's head is probably down by now, but about three percent of babies present in a breech (bottom down) position. Your doctor may try to turn your baby around if it is in a breech position by putting pressure on your abdomen. This is called external cephalic version (ECV) and is effective in about 50% of cases. If your baby is in a breech position, ask your doctor about what your options are for the birth. You may or may not require a cesarean delivery.

03 December 2007

Gender Poll Closed

The gender poll is closed. The "boy" votes win, 27-19! We'll see if you are correct... ;-) very soon! Check out the new poll on when Pason will arrive!

34w 6d - Midwife Appointment & Birth Center Consideration

I saw the nurse-midwife, Donna, today, and met the new fifth CNM in the practice, Melody. Turns out, I already know her! She was shadowing Donna today and is a friend of a friend whom I have met a couple of times. It was so nice seeing her familiar face. God is so great!

On to the update. I did the Group Beta Strep swab today (results next week). Pason is head down. Heart rate around 139. My bump measured about 35.5 cm (just a tad ahead of schedule). My BP is 114/72--yeah!! Donna gave me premature labor signs to watch out for and other reasons to call them, which I already was educated about, but it was good to hear the review.

At the end I told her that we are considering transferring care to another provider, and that I am not at all unhappy with treatment with the current practice. Donna gave me some good major points to consider. We're considering a natural birth center that recently opened in Buena Vista, operated by Rockbridge Midwifery Care. (Their site may or may not be "live" yet.) It is only the third stand alone open birth center in Virginia!

I had always told close friends that a birthing center would be my ideal choice for my birth experience. So, there I sat a couple of weeks ago, at 33 weeks pregnant, with the prospect of all of a sudden changing care providers and birth locations from the hustle and bustle of a hospital with certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) to a small, quiet, private home environment with certified professional midwives (CPMs).

We have toured the birth center (it is so homey and comfy), visited with one of the CPMs, and I have spoken with her several times since to ask many questions. I hope to post more about this topic later, but, in short, I have done a lot of research lately and have found that a hospital birth is not the safest place for mom or baby in a low-risk, "normal" pregnancy. With that said, I understand RMH to be one of the more progressive hospitals of our time in this area, and, therefore, safer than others could be in many respects. Thus, this makes for quite a difficult decision. We appreciate your prayers and positive birthing vibes as we work through the various details and decision making as Pason gets closer to arrival at Chez Kite!