Homebirth 101: The Home Court Advantage
What exactly is homebirth? Who is a good candidate and why might you want to consider a homebirth? How and why a homebirth is safe. When is a homebirth not recommended, and what's the plan of action if hospital transfer becomes necessary? What are the costs and what does insurance cover? And, thoughts on young siblings being present during a birth. Midwife Marla Hicks is this week's guest on PregTASTIC Pregnancy Podcast.
URL to article: http://www.pregtastic.com/homebirth-101-the-home-court-advantage/
28 December 2009
Podcast - Homebirth 101: The Home Court Advantage
This is a great podcast about all things pregnancy! I have barely missed an episode.
09 December 2009
Heartburn = Baby Has Lots of Hair?
I look forward to finding out if this "Old Wive's Tale" one is true!
I have begun to experience more and more heartburn with this pregnancy. With Zyler, I only had it at night when I lay down, and well into the third trimester.
Some natural remedies that can help (which I have yet to try):
I have begun to experience more and more heartburn with this pregnancy. With Zyler, I only had it at night when I lay down, and well into the third trimester.
Some natural remedies that can help (which I have yet to try):
- raw almonds
- yogurt
- spacing out eating and drinking
- papaya tablets
27 November 2009
A Plan and Mini Update
Once again, we have a plan of action. Such a relief! So much to be thankful for in this Thanksgiving season...
Janna has a contact who is a CNM (certified nurse midwife) and a CPM (certified professional midwife), and that midwife also works with another combo CNM-CPM midwife. We consulted and had a lovely discussion, and afterward, due to their schedule constraints, they decided I would see each of them at every other visit (Janna will attend every visit). All 3 ladies expressed interest in being at the birth, so Jason and I really feel as though we are getting a "3-for-1" kind of a deal. A few of the details are a bit confusing the way they want to organize it, but overall I am feeling a great sense of peace about our decision. These 2 certified midwives are very experienced in just about every setting imaginable!
I never sit down to stare at the "tube" very often and happened to watch several back-to-back episodes of A Baby Story, which depicts traditional births in a hospital setting. It made me even more confident with our home birth plan.
I am feeling well overall and "Peanut" is moving lots. I can tell she is getting stronger each day. That's right, we're expecting a girl! Part of me is not getting overly excited for a girl as I half expect her to grow that extra appendage that was somehow hiding during the ultrasound.
Zyler is 22 months old and is talking a ton. He tried to repeat just about anything we say, so watch your language! ;-) Sometimes I will ask him to say "hi" to the baby in my belly and he will give my belly a hug. Too precious!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Janna has a contact who is a CNM (certified nurse midwife) and a CPM (certified professional midwife), and that midwife also works with another combo CNM-CPM midwife. We consulted and had a lovely discussion, and afterward, due to their schedule constraints, they decided I would see each of them at every other visit (Janna will attend every visit). All 3 ladies expressed interest in being at the birth, so Jason and I really feel as though we are getting a "3-for-1" kind of a deal. A few of the details are a bit confusing the way they want to organize it, but overall I am feeling a great sense of peace about our decision. These 2 certified midwives are very experienced in just about every setting imaginable!
I never sit down to stare at the "tube" very often and happened to watch several back-to-back episodes of A Baby Story, which depicts traditional births in a hospital setting. It made me even more confident with our home birth plan.
I am feeling well overall and "Peanut" is moving lots. I can tell she is getting stronger each day. That's right, we're expecting a girl! Part of me is not getting overly excited for a girl as I half expect her to grow that extra appendage that was somehow hiding during the ultrasound.
Zyler is 22 months old and is talking a ton. He tried to repeat just about anything we say, so watch your language! ;-) Sometimes I will ask him to say "hi" to the baby in my belly and he will give my belly a hug. Too precious!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
04 November 2009
Some Bad News...
First off, Peanut is fine! We had our ultrasound last week... more on that later!
My midwife called me as I was almost home on Friday. She has to "release me from care" to put it in legal terms. She had a terrible loss a few of weeks ago. Her best friend died in a terrible car accident and left behind 8 children who look to V. as their second mother. Needless to say, she has been through a lot of stress, and, through prayer, came to the conclusion that she needs to withdraw from midwifery right now.
I completely understand her position and respect her decision 100%. I am very thankful that she did not try to "do it all" and then realize in my 30+ weeks period that she couldn't pull through for me. However, with all the time and discernment I have put into the decision to home birth and interview and find the right midwife for me, I was heartbroken and very upset all evening.
Right now we are leaning toward hiring her student assistant who I am very familiar with already, Janna Grapperhaus. She is close to being a CPM but not quite finished, and she has some options for me of CPMs she can hire to supervise her. Many details to figure out and questions to ask, but I have recently heard rave reviews of Janna's services and abilities which makes me all the more confident in her as a midwife.
Please keep us in your prayers during this discernment process (once again)!
My midwife called me as I was almost home on Friday. She has to "release me from care" to put it in legal terms. She had a terrible loss a few of weeks ago. Her best friend died in a terrible car accident and left behind 8 children who look to V. as their second mother. Needless to say, she has been through a lot of stress, and, through prayer, came to the conclusion that she needs to withdraw from midwifery right now.
I completely understand her position and respect her decision 100%. I am very thankful that she did not try to "do it all" and then realize in my 30+ weeks period that she couldn't pull through for me. However, with all the time and discernment I have put into the decision to home birth and interview and find the right midwife for me, I was heartbroken and very upset all evening.
Right now we are leaning toward hiring her student assistant who I am very familiar with already, Janna Grapperhaus. She is close to being a CPM but not quite finished, and she has some options for me of CPMs she can hire to supervise her. Many details to figure out and questions to ask, but I have recently heard rave reviews of Janna's services and abilities which makes me all the more confident in her as a midwife.
Please keep us in your prayers during this discernment process (once again)!
24 October 2009
Baby "Nudges"
I've been feeling little baby "nudges" (as I like to call them) or "flutters" for about a week now. Very reassuring that baby is well... Go baby!! :-)
22 October 2009
Pregnancy & Lactation Tea
My midwife requires use of this "NORA" tea for all her clients and believes in its benefits strongly for the health of mama, baby, and to help prevent potential problems during labor.
I prepare it each night and drink a quart of it each day! I am new to tea infusions, the taste took some getting used to, but now it is becoming habit and I am starting to actually enjoy the taste.
If you would like to ask her more questions about it or purchase the tea mixture (1 lb for $12.00), please contact her directly at the phone number or address at the end of the document.
I prepare it each night and drink a quart of it each day! I am new to tea infusions, the taste took some getting used to, but now it is becoming habit and I am starting to actually enjoy the taste.
If you would like to ask her more questions about it or purchase the tea mixture (1 lb for $12.00), please contact her directly at the phone number or address at the end of the document.
11 October 2009
Study - Homebirth is Safe & Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Midwives in VA
My midwife gave me two documents I will share with you if you are interested. The first one I found to be quite an interesting read, the study from the British Medical Journal "Outcomes of Planned Home Births with Certified Professional Midwives: Large Prospective Study in NA."
The second was a copy of the "Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Midwives" from the Virginia Board of Medicine. Download it from this page. Kind of dry, but a brief read.
The second was a copy of the "Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Midwives" from the Virginia Board of Medicine. Download it from this page. Kind of dry, but a brief read.
First Midwife Appointment
... was Wednesday.
Baby: hr 148 bmp via Doppler; fundal height on target. That "thump thump" sound of the heartbeat is one of the best sounds ever!
Me: BP 110/76; weight up about 7 lb
One of Vickie's assistants did my physical. I am in great health! Yay! :o)
We also discussed the financial agreement and she went over all the rest of the mountain of documents she gave me. She mentioned she was going to drop her billing service but can keep it for me if I want it... What all does submitting your own claims entail? That would be new territory for us. I am crossing my fingers that Southern Health is going to cover part of this birth expense and not just labs and office visits... I have heard different results.
Next appt: in 2 weeks. Need to finalize financial agreement and return my health history and nutritional profile forms.
Baby: hr 148 bmp via Doppler; fundal height on target. That "thump thump" sound of the heartbeat is one of the best sounds ever!
Me: BP 110/76; weight up about 7 lb
One of Vickie's assistants did my physical. I am in great health! Yay! :o)
We also discussed the financial agreement and she went over all the rest of the mountain of documents she gave me. She mentioned she was going to drop her billing service but can keep it for me if I want it... What all does submitting your own claims entail? That would be new territory for us. I am crossing my fingers that Southern Health is going to cover part of this birth expense and not just labs and office visits... I have heard different results.
Next appt: in 2 weeks. Need to finalize financial agreement and return my health history and nutritional profile forms.
01 October 2009
Baby Movements
I think I felt those amazing "flutters" earlier today of the baby moving. I think.
Of course, a pregnant lady is pretty darn gassy, too. :o)
Of course, a pregnant lady is pretty darn gassy, too. :o)
30 September 2009
Home Birth Plan
That is, home birth is our birth plan at this time. Jason and I are each in a consensus about the choice, and feel it is safe. I still have somewhat a reservation about it, but when I think of another dozen reservations against another hospital birth. If you recall, I actually did have a relatively good birth experience with Z. However, I was constantly anxious over the strangers coming in and out of my birth room, and I hated the equipment hooked up to me. I know first labors can be very long and tedious--which mine certainly was--but in the back of my mind I still wonder how much more progress I could have made in the comfort of my own home. After all, I arrived at the hospital around 2300 at 8.5 cm dilated and he was born at 1021 the next day... eek!
Many studies have proven it safe. If you feel so inclined and are at all interested in birth issues, please see The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake. Truly an enlightening documentary about toady's culture and business of childbirth. I found it at my library. It's a very well done film and has been in the press a good deal.
Certainly lots of details to work out... The first of which was choosing a home birth midwife. (I really wish I could hire Z's midwife who was on rotation that night, but alas, as a busy CNM in the hospital setting, I do not see how that could be an option for her.) I was thorough and interviewed all the surrounding licensed CPMs who would see me. I wanted someone I connected with, obviously. But one particular question I asked each one was if she is Christian. I found only one who was both Christian and I felt that connection. After much prayer and discernment, I have chosen Vickie Ligouri of McGaheysville. (Her link may be broken as she is still working out the fun details of getting the site going.) Since we should be keeping God at the center of our lives, I felt it an important question to ask. What better place to begin the Walk than while under prenatal care in the womb? Vickie is experienced but just beginning to get her business off the ground.
I would like to speak with my previous provider (the team of now six CNM's at Rockingham Memorial Hospital) and see if they would see me should we choose to transfer. I would feel most comfortable going to RMH in a non-emergent situation. However, if we are in an emergency, we are only ten minutes from another good hospital, Augusta Health.
Please comment here on the blog (or Facebook, email, etc.) about any feedback you can share or just any info in general. We appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts for our family!
~ Shalom ~
Many studies have proven it safe. If you feel so inclined and are at all interested in birth issues, please see The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake. Truly an enlightening documentary about toady's culture and business of childbirth. I found it at my library. It's a very well done film and has been in the press a good deal.
Certainly lots of details to work out... The first of which was choosing a home birth midwife. (I really wish I could hire Z's midwife who was on rotation that night, but alas, as a busy CNM in the hospital setting, I do not see how that could be an option for her.) I was thorough and interviewed all the surrounding licensed CPMs who would see me. I wanted someone I connected with, obviously. But one particular question I asked each one was if she is Christian. I found only one who was both Christian and I felt that connection. After much prayer and discernment, I have chosen Vickie Ligouri of McGaheysville. (Her link may be broken as she is still working out the fun details of getting the site going.) Since we should be keeping God at the center of our lives, I felt it an important question to ask. What better place to begin the Walk than while under prenatal care in the womb? Vickie is experienced but just beginning to get her business off the ground.
I would like to speak with my previous provider (the team of now six CNM's at Rockingham Memorial Hospital) and see if they would see me should we choose to transfer. I would feel most comfortable going to RMH in a non-emergent situation. However, if we are in an emergency, we are only ten minutes from another good hospital, Augusta Health.
Please comment here on the blog (or Facebook, email, etc.) about any feedback you can share or just any info in general. We appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts for our family!
~ Shalom ~
29 September 2009
Early 2nd trimester... I have been fighting a horrible headache today. This morning at work the meeting I sat in on was difficult to focus. It actually helped to wear my glasses though. I called my midwife and she thought it was most likely I did not have enough protein yesterday. Interesting! I was watching my protein intake well for the first several weeks but have slacked. Headaches were inconsistent and annoying but had stopped for the last couple of weeks until today. I will try to do better and see if I notice a consistent improvement. Aren't our bodies amazing? Usually there is some sort of message they are sending us -- but sometimes the challenge is interpreting that message!
21 September 2009
Priming for a New Role - Pregnancy & "Baby Brain"
A friend brought me this article that clearly explains "baby" or "Mommy" brain as we mamas are all too familiar!
So have no fear, my fellow preggos. We are normal. We are not crazy after all!
Pregnant women and animals experience slight decreases in learning and memory—changes that appear to pave the way for cognitive benefits in motherhood and may even advantage mothers as they age.A couple of weeks ago I thought maybe I was totally losing it. Well, not exactly, but I did know well enough to know my memory problems were related to the pregnancy. I couldn't remember to get Z's prescription for days, which was very unlike me, among countless other silly things I did or didn't do which for the life of me now, I cannot remember!
So have no fear, my fellow preggos. We are normal. We are not crazy after all!
18 September 2009
05 September 2009
Reducing Infant Mortality
An excellent short film on the factors surrounding a big problem our families face in the U.S.
Reducing Infant Mortality from Debby Takikawa on Vimeo.
24 August 2009
An OB Collaborating with Midwives
I thought this guy is compelling enough to promote. I sent him a small donation for his legal fight for women's rights to informed consent! Go Doc! http://supportdrfischbein.blogspot.com/2009/08/summary-of-what-is-happening-now.html
14 August 2009
Weaning... Another Milestone
Zyler is 19 months old! Can you believe it?
I think I may have nursed Zyler for the last time on Tuesday evening. Or at least the last time for a while... We had gotten down to just a.m. and p.m. sessions when he was cutting the morning one short a few weeks back. But he hung onto the evening session for a few more weeks, even if the sessions were short and sweet. I've always had trouble off and on getting him to not use me as a teething toy when he has teeth coming in, so I have had mixed feelings on weaning anyway... But I think it was this Wednesday when I went into his room when Daddy was reading him books, and he just wanted to go into bed instead of asking for milk. That has never happened before in my presence! I was miffed in a way but fine with it at the same time. Today I was kneeling down with him and he was looking at my nursing tank top at the clasps and said "milk," not in a request way but just observing, and proceeded to look down my shirt at the source. :) I didn't offer and it was fine.... We'll see if he might request any comfort nursing or such.
Update 8/24: He has started asking for milk again at bedtime for the past several nights... Ah, what a journey. I do have to admit that I was enjoying having my body back...! :o) But I certainly enjoy our BF bond we have...
I think I may have nursed Zyler for the last time on Tuesday evening. Or at least the last time for a while... We had gotten down to just a.m. and p.m. sessions when he was cutting the morning one short a few weeks back. But he hung onto the evening session for a few more weeks, even if the sessions were short and sweet. I've always had trouble off and on getting him to not use me as a teething toy when he has teeth coming in, so I have had mixed feelings on weaning anyway... But I think it was this Wednesday when I went into his room when Daddy was reading him books, and he just wanted to go into bed instead of asking for milk. That has never happened before in my presence! I was miffed in a way but fine with it at the same time. Today I was kneeling down with him and he was looking at my nursing tank top at the clasps and said "milk," not in a request way but just observing, and proceeded to look down my shirt at the source. :) I didn't offer and it was fine.... We'll see if he might request any comfort nursing or such.
Update 8/24: He has started asking for milk again at bedtime for the past several nights... Ah, what a journey. I do have to admit that I was enjoying having my body back...! :o) But I certainly enjoy our BF bond we have...
07 April 2009
24 February 2009
Sponsor Me at March for Babies
Please help me reach my goal! It's easy to donate online or mail a check to me. Thanks so much!
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