
30 April 2007


That's right, we're pregnant! I'll try to post more details soon. The EDD (est. due date) is 1/8/08 right now. I am 3 wk 6 days pregnant, and the little bean's age is only 2 weeks. I still can't hardly believe it!!

23 April 2007

CD 27 - 7 DPO (7d past ovulation) - Acpuncture #1

My acu session went really well! The practitioner is about 30 minutes from my job. She took my medical history and asked me about all sorts of bodily functions and symptoms, even down to what my stool looks like. She also looked at my tongue to determine if I am “warm” or “cool.” I forgot to ask her what she saw, but I gathered from all her questions and from the reading I’ve done that I have a “cooler constitution” rather than a warmer one. She said my “qi” (pro. “chi”) or energy is a little low, and basically needs a slight boost to come back into balance where my body needs it. She also checked my pulse on each wrist, and asked about my menstrual history and what my cycles are like. I provided her copies of my last four charts.

She likes to see fertility clients about every two weeks, around my period and when I should “textbook” ovulate (day 14 or so). I would be her fifth fertility client. She saw one through the second trimester, and I believe she said she now has one active client who got pregnant while going to her. Another one she is working with to achieve pregnancy, and another wasn’t consistent with her appointments and stopped coming, and she assumes did not get pregnant. She has been practicing for 3 years, so I feel those odds sound good!

So, the question and answer session went on for almost an hour. Then to the needles. She said it would not hurt more than like a bee sting. Well that got me slightly nervous, because bees can really hurt! I tried to remain calm though, and got on the bed. The needles were shorter than I imagined. I guess I pictured Charlotte from Sex and the City with those really long ones sticking out of her when she was trying to get pregnant. (Note to self: look up that episode watch it at home this week for further inspiration.) The needles didn’t hurt too badly—more like a tiny prick, and then it went away. She asked if I was cold, and I told her my feet definitely were. She brought over a warming lamp and positioned it right over my feet. It was awesome! It took me a few minutes to relax, and then I enjoyed it. I think she left me in there about ten minutes and then took my pulse again, and took out the needles. She asked me to sit up and see if I felt dizzy. I told her that I didn’t, and went back over to sit in the chair. We went over a couple of other things, and she asked if I felt OK to drive. (?) I said I thought so, but that I did feel more relaxed. Initially I wasn’t sure if that was from lying there for ten minutes or if the acupuncture had anything to do with it. Well then I drove back to work and realized I was a little more relaxed that I still should have been. Back at the office, about 40 minutes later, I answered the phone and actually got tongue tied. This is not unusual! But it’s hard to explain. I definitely felt different. Still relaxed… and slightly loopy! Hehehe. Overall, it was a good experience though. I think I will keep going.

I asked her if she would recommend herbs for me, and she said not for right now. She was worried I might not be able to digest them yet, given my other symptoms I indicated to her.

Oh, and the other major thing that she said was that she recommends I stop “trying” for a couple of months until my body gets into balance. I mentioned how this past cycle we were able to have a lot more “fun” than in past cycles, and she affirmed that that was a good sign that I wasn’t putting quite as much stress on myself as in the past. I told her I wasn’t comfortable not “trying” at all, because if I do the HSG test in a couple of weeks, it is supposed to help the pregnancy odds within 3 months of the test. So, we agreed that we would not try as “hard,” maybe more like every other day instead of every day.

I searched for someone closer but the only one I see in the national certified directory who is closer to home is a male. I think I will stick with the female practitioner, at least for now. Maybe I will see if he will respond to some email questions.

19 April 2007

3 DPO (3d past ovulation)

18 April 2007

CD 22 - 2 DPO (cycle day 22 - 2d past ovulation)

Pretty sure O finally happened on CD 20. Will wait for chart software to confirm... Finally, the dreaded two week wait! I've 99% decided that if AF shows this cycle, I'm getting a pedicure! Last time for one was before my wedding! I deserve it.

Testing date: April 29.

17 April 2007

CD 21, 1? DPO - First Acupuncture

I finally connected with an acupuncturist! She does treat infertility. Of her current clients, one used IVF and is pregnant, and another dropped out, as she was inconsistent with her visits. She recommends bi-weekly visits for fertility (I think through the first trimester). She told me that she doesn’t specialize in treating infertility, but the only acupuncturist around here who does (that she is aware of) lives in Winchester. I’m not willing to drive that distance quite yet.

Her name is Kirsten Thompson and I heard about her from my friend at church. She took a brief history and we set up my first appointment for next Monday the 23rd. I’m a little nervous! I’m feeling more proactive though and I’m eager to see if I notice a difference in my body and to hear what she recommends for complete body wellness (herbs, diet, etc). At the very least, I’ve heard that acupuncture is relaxing. Stress management is surely a concern while TTC! And I’ve heard it’s a great complement treatment while under an RE’s care.

Have any readers had any experience with acupuncture, directly or indirectly?

16 April 2007

Doctors! My First RE Appointment

Doctors... well they do their job! I shouldn't expect a lot of western medicine physicians to be catering to my emotions. But this is still a service to me and in that aspect I expect more!

I had my first RE appointment today. I wasn't overly impressed with Dr. Bateman. He didn't give me a lot of opportunity to ask questions, though I got a few in. He was just very cut and dry, and to the point (which is a positive thing). He took my medical history and some very basic information about the miscarriage--basically only that it lasted six weeks and that I had a D&C, and my age when I got pregnant.

He asked if I use OPKs or any other ovulation predictors (no, but I’m looking for a Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor to borrow or for good price!). I told him I'm using the microscope and he asked if I'm putting my cervical mucus on it. I said no, my saliva. I don't think he knew you could use that too! Uuuuugh. Not sure though.

Then he did a physical, and an ultrasound. With both, he checked for signs of endometriosis (no history in my family of it) and saw none. He said my uterine lining looked good, and that he wasn't sure if I've ovulated or not. He couldn't see if any follicles had released yet. He also checked the cul-de-sac for some type of fluid that's present after ovulation. He saw some, but it wasn't conclusive enough to confirm ovulation. Oh and he also said my cervix appeared normal. I told him I was trying to get better at checking it for a fertility sign and he acted like he didn't know what I meant! Ugh. I said, uh, high and soft when I'm fertile?? Geez come on! Maybe he knew what I was talking about but it didn’t seem like it!He made an order for a lab test to check my thyroid and prolactin levels. I had that drawn right after the appointment. Forgot to ask when the results will be in.

What next?

If I’m not pregnant, I’ll do an HSG test in a couple of weeks (must be in a specific period of my cycle) to check if my fallopian tubes are clear (click for details here). Of course, he also wants to check DH's swimmers, and he said we could do that the same day. Have to sign off for now but overall I'm glad something is moving along and progressing.

CD 20 (cycle day 20) ...Did I O Yet?

Is anybody out there reading this who is well versed with charting? As you can see, I'm waiting to confirm O with taking my temps. I don't use OPKs (maybe I should start) or an expensive ovulation monitor.

Do you think there's any chance I O'd on CD 17? Here's another link to my chart (and also on the right side). On CD 18 and 20 I had a different wake up time, so I can't totally rely on those temp readings.

DH is gone on business so we baby danced up until he left. Hopefully the timing was "good enough!"

15 April 2007

Stupid Things People Say... A Funny Comparison

We haven't been labeled "infertile" yet, but I thought this was a good learning tool if you ever meet someone who has.

Would people say this to you if you were paraplegic instead of infertile?
    1. As soon as you buy a wheelchair, I bet you'll be able to walk again.
    2. You can't use your legs? Boy, I wish I was paralyzed. I get so tired of walking, and if I were paralyzed I wouldn't have to walk anywhere!
    3. My cousin was paralyzed but she started shaving her legs in the other direction and she could walk again. You should try that.
    4. I guess God just didn't mean for you to be able to walk.
    5. Oh, I know exactly how you feel, because I have an ingrown toenail.
    6. Sorry, we don't cover treatment for paraplegia, because it's not a life-threatening illness.
    7. Oh, I have just the opposite problem. I have to walk everywhere I go!
    8. You're just trying too hard. Relax and you'll be able to walk.
    9. You're so lucky... think of the money you save on shoes.
    10. I don't know why you're being so selfish. You should at least be happy that *I* can walk.
    11. I hope you don't try those anti-paralyzation drugs. They sometimes make people run too fast and they get hurt.
    12. You're being selfish, not coming on the hike with us, and looking at all of my track & field trophies.

And I bet a parapalegic going to a bookstore doesn't find books about paralysis stacked next to all the books on running...

13 April 2007

CD 17 (cycle day 17)

I have felt much more empowered and confident this cycle of interpreting my body's fertility signs. If it's God's plan, we will have done everything "right" this go 'round when I walk into Dr. Bateman's office. Hopefully sperm will have met egg by then... then lil' embryo will be makin' its trip to settle in to make a good home for a good, oh, say, around 38 weeks!

It's my understanding that Dr. Bateman's office will see me up to three times if I get preggers while under their care. With a previous loss, I will so need to hear a few beta hCG test results. And, at least one ultrasound to see beating heart would be incredible. Ah, one step at a time!!

10 April 2007

CD 14 (cycle day 14)

Another cycle waiting for ovulation... I have decided to make this blog public. Opened wide to the world. You may be able to have "certain" suspicions if it abruptly becomes private again. *wink wink* ... Let's hope. I really have nothing to hide other than if I happen to see another BFP (see my new abbreviation list if you need help with that one), we need to be careful about who finds out first... or last... I don't necessarily mind if the world finds out we get pregnant and then we miscarry... again. I don't even like to speculate, but I have to protect my emotions and be a realist too. We very well could have another loss. At any rate, we'll decide what to do with the blog (private or public) once that time comes (and praying that it does).

06 April 2007

CD 10 (cycle day 10)

I'm feeling much better and more at peace about my decision to see Dr Bateman, the RE. I saw our cousin tonight who lost her twins at 20 weeks, and she gave a glowing recommendation of him (her friend uses him). I talked with Jason more and he also feels that it's a good idea at least to see if we're missing anything, or if there are any tests to run to see if anything obvious is holding us back. Sometimes I feel I'm being impatient and I'm not allowing myself to fully trust God's plan and timing. But maybe we need to go through this process. Besides, what if something is uncovered that could help us prevent another miscarriage? I doubt we will revel a medical explanation of why the first one happened. But who knows. You learn to try not to expect much in the process of TTC so you are not overly disappointed with each stage. It's a constant mind game with yourself.

04 April 2007

CD 8 (cycle day 8) - Do We Need Help?

Soooo, we're off the "break." I have to admit that I was disappointed all over again this cycle, even though we were "on a break." However, I did relax more and it wasn't as nearly as disappointing as in past months. I do feel somewhat refreshed. The break was much needed.

I'm prayerfully and strongly considering making a consultation appointment with an RE - reproductive endocrinologist (i.e., fertility specialist). Part of me does not want to "waste" the money since all logical signs tell us we can still get pregnant naturally on our own. But say we go through the fertility testing--how can you put a price on peace of mind, knowing what could or probably won't go wrong? I'm also nervous about finding out too much information. "Over" educating sometimes gives you that much more to worry about.

With all that said, I'm probably still going to call and at least find out how closely they would monitor my first few weeks if and when we do get pregnant again. That is the emotional part I will need. When I asked my OB if more frequent ultrasounds would be ordered in a subsequent pregnancy, he simply stated that there is no evidence to support that ultrasounds positively affect the health of the baby. Well duh! How about my stress and anxiety levels that first trimester when you cannot feel movements yet? There is evidence that says the stress hormones are no good for baby! Stupid doctors! If the RE practice will monitor Baby K. closely with blood tests and/or ultrasounds, I will probably go ahead and make that first appointment. I am against taking fertility drugs at this point, but hopefully we will not need them since I appear to be ovulating and at least most things appear to be working properly thus far...