
14 February 2007

CD 16 (cycle day 16)

This is so cool! I think I am feeling ovulation pain for the first time! I think maybe I've noticed before... but didn't know what it was. I think I may have thought it was bad gas. :) teehee... It's pretty exciting to recognize it. I feel it all the way on the right side of my abdomen, maybe two inches from my hip bone. I'm pretty sure my ovary is there! Here's what Cindy on one of my online groups said:
I always felt it anywhere from 3-5 days prior to O. I've also heard that you can feel O pain on the opposite side from which you're O-ing or always feel it on one side even though your ovaries are alternating O-ing each month... yet again, our bodies are so wacky, lol :) They say that some people don't feel it as well... cooky, huh?
Yes, Cindy, incredibly cooky! And an article from FertiltyFriend:
Ovulation Pain: Also known as mittelschmertz , which means "middle pain" it refers to a slight pain that you may feel near your abdomen or ovary at the time of ovulation. It does not necessarily occur at the exact time of ovulation and not everyone feels ovulation. As such, ovulation pain is useful to cross-check other signs, but cannot be used to definitively confirm or pinpoint ovulation. Also, it is very difficult to know if the pain you feel in your abdomen mid-cycle is related in any way to ovulation or your fertility. Other pains are often mistaken for ovulation pain. It is still useful to record, even if you are unsure if it is related to your fertility. As you become more in tune with your fertility signs, it will become easier to recognize ovulation pain if you experience it. Women who have never noticed ovulation pain often begin to notice it when they begin to chart their fertility signs.
I felt ovulation pain before ovulation is detected on my chart. Should I change the ovulation date?

When you feel ovulation pain (not everyone does) you can feel it before, during or even just after ovulation, and many other kinds of cramps or twinges can be mistaken for it, so it is not a good indicator for pinpointing ovulation on a particular day. It provides an additional clue, like other secondary fertility signs. Ovulation pain can not be used as a primary indicator for pinpointing ovulation. It is best to look at all signs and the "big picture" when interpreting your chart.
So I really believe ovulation is around the corner! :-D

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