- Your baby weighs about 10.5 ounces (300g) and measures about 7.2 inches (18cm) from crown to rump. He still moves about freely in amniotic fluid.
- Your baby may respond to external sounds, such as the music you are listening to or your voice.
- Your baby has developed some red blood cells already. The white blood cells that your baby needs to fight infections are being manufactured.
- He is developing taste buds on his tongue.
- His digestive system is sufficiently advanced to absorb water and sugar from the amniotic fluid that he swallows and pass it to his large bowel.
- Your baby has lanugo hair on his forehead and upper lip and his eyebrows are thickening.
- Vernix (the waxy substance that covers and protects your baby's skin) accumulates on your baby's eyebrows.
- Your baby's eyes are still sealed shut.
- Your baby continues to grow and develop and his kicking is getting stronger now.
Source: http://preg.fertilityfriend.com
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