
25 August 2007

20w 4d - Ultrasound Yesterday

We had our first ultrasound yesterday since our 6-week viability ultrasound! It was pretty amazing, but I have to admit I am still feeling a little detached. Perhaps I will be one of those moms who takes a few weeks post-birth to really bond with her baby. We shall see! I have been mostly pretty matter-of-fact about most of this experience. Jason & I are both getting more and more excited, though.

We invited both of our mothers to attend the ultrasound. They got so excited they could barely stand it! As you can see, at the end we got a 4D real-time view, and the grandma's were giggling about the baby waving at the grandmas! I hope there might be another opportunity for an ultrasound, as I know my dad was disappointed there wasn't room for him to watch. He is so cute about it all--being "macho," not wanting to appear excited but once in a while he'll reveal it!

We all arrived early, and we were called back early. The technician has 22 years experience and was very pleasant and informative with everything she saw. All looks great! She even pointed out "Pason's" bladder growing bigger throughout the half-hour session. "Pason" measures in the 80th percentile woah! Hopefully I will not have a huge baby! She said it didn't necessarily mean that I would deliver a large one! The estimated weight is 1 lb 0 oz, but we forgot to ask the length. My due date according to the ultrasound is 1/4/08 (ovulation due date is 1/8/08). Jason is adamantly against a Christmas or New Year's baby... But alas, all beyond my/our control!

Immediately following the ultrasound we met with a third midwife in the practice, Martie Jones, who reviewed the report and confirmed that all is well. She explained more about the midwifery approach to childbirth and re-confirmed for me that their typical attitude is that all is "normal" until proven otherwise, whereas physicians are more likely to assume something is wrong before allowing the process to progress naturally and as the mother wishes. Of course, there are exceptions! She explained I would be welcomed to move about as I wish during labor (walking, different positions, jacuzzi, etc), but that they will use the technology available to only occasionally monitor the baby as needed. Sounds reasonable to me! (Forgot to ask her if I am allowed to eat, though.) I am trying to keep an open mind to be at least somewhat mentally prepared for anything, though.

I asked her about the c-section rates. She didn't know exact numbers, but approximately 30% for the hospital where I plan to deliver (RMH), and 15% for the practice.

She also mentioned that I will receive the RhoGAM shot around 28 weeks (2 months away). I am still confused on the potential harms to the baby of it. But, given all of the medical based benefits, I am leaning toward accepting it at this point.

Next up is our hypnobirthing class, taught by Kate Anderson. I'm really excited and I'm sure it will get a dialog going between me and Jason about fears and concerns we might have about the day. I'm sure the class will be one more step to help us make this feel real. We're having a baby in 4 months!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot!
I suppose you're wondering about the gender... I'll just say that one of us found out while we were there on a piece of paper and an extra picture, as we couldn't agree to find out or not find out... Is the suspense "killing" you yet...? :-)


  1. ACK! I thought you were gonna reveal which you are having. I'm majorly bummed as I waited all day for you to post yesterday!

    And I can tell you that you will not be allowed to eat once in active labor, so chow down before you go to the hospital! That really stunk for me because I had fairly long labors and was *starving* by the time Katie was born. Got to the hospital at8am that morning or so and she wasn't born until 9:39 that night. That turkey sandwich I had at 11:30pm was the best thing I'd ever tasted!

  2. Darn I too was hoping to learn the gender...oh well I know who must have the piece of long can it be kept a surprise!LOL. Glad you had a great appointment and "Pason" is doing so well!

  3. The "grandmothers" are in a quandry - pink or blue to buy. So many cute things in each color.

    Baby Pason did wave at us. What a smart grandchild!

    mom kite


What do you think? Questions? I'd love to hear from you.