
18 October 2007

28w 2d - Ups & Downs

I had my 28-week appointment today. I'll try to interweave the details below!

  • "Failed" the hemoglobin (iron) blood draw today. They like to see it at 11 in pregnancy and mine is currently 10.6. I am not surprised as I know I have been feeling more tired. According to the midwife, Donna, it takes 120 days for your consumption to reflect results in a blood test! So what I change now will affect my post-birth recovery, ability to breastfeed, emotional well being, energy level, etc. at that time period. A friend has the same problem and finds natural remedies whenever possible. She has told me about a product called Floradix that is also pumped with great mommy herbs and is not constipating! I think I will give it a go.
  • Passed the GTT - glucose tolerance test today. YAY! My number was a 134, and their threshold is 135.
  • "Pason's" heartbeat was around 134.
  • My belly measured 28 cm--"right on" for 28 weeks.
  • 3 generous friends and family have offered to host baby showers! So far they are all scheduled in December!! I am so humbled and grateful.


  1. Floradix is a little pricy, but it is GREAT! I feel so much better when I take it...


  2. You may be the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen (if I haven't said it before!)...what a PERFECT belly you have....I want to see some new pics now that you're 28 weeks!

    I failed my hemoglobin test last time too, and taking the iron supplement was REALLY helpful to my energy levels...and I started feeling better immediately (I would guess that the supplement helps with your symptoms even if it doesn't show up in a blood test right away). That Floradix looks like it would be worth every dollar and I'm definitely keeping your blog bookmarked so I can find it again if I need to!

    Happy Incubating! :)



What do you think? Questions? I'd love to hear from you.