
28 October 2007

29w 5d - Last Hypnobirthing Class

Today we finished our 5th and final hypnobirthing class. Of the 3 couples, 1 of the couples still hadn't shown by 15 minutes after our start time. The instructor called them at home and she said that the mother-to-be sounded "odd," but that they were coming and to start without them. Fifteen minutes later we were getting settled for class and they walked in with their baby! Mateo was born about 3 weeks "early"--on our anniversary, the 25th, at 6 lb 14 oz. Isn't God great??

A. used many of the vizualization techniques she had learned in class and never requested medical pain relief--even with Pitocin! She felt pressured to start the Pit due to the time when her membranes had ruptured. (Of course, in other countries where the childbirth "practice" seems to be leaps ahead, they allow a mom to labor for 2-3 days after her water breaks before worrying too much about infection. But anyway, that's another post!) Long story short, she ended up with a sort of homebirth in the hospital! She had labored a good bit in the tub/jaccuzzi and was alone (with her husband half asleep sitting on the floor) in the tub when she felt their son ready to arrive! She trusted her instincts and gave birth right there, half kneeling and half standing in the tub. It was such a beautiful and inspiring story, especially since she didn't even finish our course! It was truly a surprise to see them walk in with their beautiful baby Mateo. Congratulations A. & B.!

In our actual class after A., B., & Mateo left, we covered the final stage techniques, other birthing positions, more in depth birth companion instruction, and even how to use Hypnobirthing if you must have interventions such as Pitocin! A. and B. practically taught our class this evening!

I have only great things to say about the course and our instructor. Please contact me if you have questions about HypnoBirthing or Hypnobabies. Now I just need to get back to a regular practice schedule!!

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