
07 January 2008

Zyler's Birth Story

Many thanks to my doula, Kelly Kravitz, who provided me a birth log summary of events so I could write an accurate and detailed birth story!

Wednesday, January 2

Have 39 week checkup (due date January 8)... 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. The nurse-midwife, Melody, thinks my mucous plug is gone already.

Thursday, January 3

Mucous plug definitely starts coming out and bloody show begins. I start having irregular lower back cramping. Nothing too uncomfortable. Able to sleep most of the night.

Friday, January 4

Wake up early and still see mucous plug in big globs. Worry that water has broken. Since I'm GBS+ (Group Beta Strep) I don't want to alert the midwives too "early" as I want to avoid the IV antibiotics in excess (I am OK with 1 bag but am not thrilled about getting it every 4 hours during labor).

Call my doula and let her know the lower back cramping returned and that I am still wondering if my water has broken. It is hard to tell with the mucous. I decide to go on into work and continue normal activity. Once I sit at the desk at work the surges (HypnoBirthing "speak" for "contractions") stop for most of the day. I am pretty sure I was in prodomal (very early) labor.

Saturday, January 5

Email my doula to let her know I can not sleep any longer! Surges return about 2-3 minutes apart but are not intense enough to warrant going in. I called Ann Schaeffer, the midwife on call to let her know. She confirmed that first labors can really drag on in the early stages.

Talk with doula. Having consistent (2-10 minutes apart) surges in lower back with lots of bowel area pressure. They last 30-45 seconds.

Get in the tub to relax. Talk with a close friend and then my doula. The warm water really helps relax my back and tolerate the surges easier. They get a bit more intense as sometimes I can not speak through them if I was standing. My in-laws are at the house because my father-in-law is helping Jason in his shop. Jason & I had agreed not to alert family when I go into labor and want to wait until the last moment or until after the baby is born to make any calls. So it is challenging to say the least to hide the fact that I am in early labor! I even help make salads for lunch as my mother-in-law brought lasagna for us to share. My father-in-law said after Zyler was born that he could tell I wasn't feeling too great that day. :)

My in-laws leave and my doula arrives to assist me through labor! My surges are every 10-13 minutes, lasting 30-50 seconds. I have continued increase in bowel pressure and lower back aches with each surge. My doula tries the counter pressure near my tail bone and it helps ease the discomfort me a great deal. I have tried to drink plenty of water today, and this evening I have some Red Raspberry Leaf tea. At this point I am still able to talk through each surge.

I call the midwife at some point today and she suggests blue or black cohash if I think my labor need an extra "boost." I tell her also about the bowel pressure and confirm with her that milk of magnesia is OK to take. I try it but nothing productive or relief comes. I also call a good friend and discussed the blue or black cohash and my labor symptoms. She thinks the same as my midwife, that I am still in very early (prodomal?) labor. My doula calls Martin's grocery since it's Satuday night to see if they might carry the cohash herb, but the worker can't locate it. We decide to stay home and see how labor progresses on its own.

My doula really wants me to try to rest, so we go upstairs to my bed. I lay on my left side and she uses the counter pressure and hot rice packs. These coping methods really help, and I don't know how I would have gotten through labor without her!! I also play my HypnoBirthing scripts on the CD to help me focus and remain in a good, centered state of mind.

Surges now coming more consistently and definitely stronger. Lasting more than 1 minute.

Surges 1.5 minutes long and 5 minutes apart!

Surges are 1.5-2 minutes long and 5-7 minutes apart.

Jason is checking on me every 20-30 minutes. I start shaking a little with each surge.

Surges are definitely stronger; 1.5 minutes long, 5-8 minutes apart. I'm finally starting to believe that I'm in active labor! I am a little concerned though that labor was slowing some? My doula suggests switching sides so I go to lie on my right side. My shaking and teeth chattering also intensify. This is hard work!

Surges 2-3 minutes apart! Jason goes to rest in the guest room. Just a little bit later, I confirm that my water breaks! Surges are really intense now. Poor Jason only got to rest 15 minutes before we got him up to leave for Rockingham Memorial Hosp. around 2250.

We get the car packed and finally arrive at RMH. I call my midwife on the way to tell her that contractions are more intense. She doesn't talk to me long and calls me between surges, so I think she still thinks I was still in "false" labor. Is she in for a surprise! I tell Jason I would be pretty upset if we get there and I am only dilated to 2 cm!

Ann (midwife) is ready to put me in a triage room but realizes we needed a bigger labor room for me when she sees me breathing through a surge as I get out of the wheelchair! They get a 20 minute EFM. Zyler's heartrate is normal, about 137 bpm. Surges are good and strong. Ann checks me and says I have done great work--I am in transition at 8.5 cm!! Maybe we'll have this baby before daybreak!?!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I get right into the jacuzzi after Ann offers it. The jets really comfort me through surges and Jason turns on the HypnoBirthing scripts.

Jason lies down to try to get some rest again. The nurse gets another EFM reading. Zyler is doing great. Kelly continues to use counter pressure on my lower back which helps me cope.

I get a new RN, Cindy, who had both of her children naturally. She is very supportive throughout the remainder of my labor.

Still no baby!! Cindy wants to check my cervix for progress. Jason rouses and comes to me. Cindy can feel that the left side of it is swollen and in the way. She actually uses the phrase "possible c-section." I am so exhausted by this point that I just want to cry! I can't believe she would even mention that phrase. Luckily it is never mentioned again!

My labor support team continues to suggest I change positions, so I try the birthing stool for a while. Jason supports me from behind, sitting on the bed. The surges feel a little less intense. I sense that nothing very productive can come of them at this intensity level.

Ann returns. She had gone for a nap around 0100. She expresses her disappointment for having slept so long, because she was confident she would have been woken up much earlier when I was ready to birth my baby! She checks my cervix and feels it is still off to the side. She suggests I get in the hands and knees position since Zyler is not quite turned all the way anterior yet. If this doesn't work I should consider Pitocin to help the surges become more effective. (I was definitely committed to a fully natural delivery so this is not what I wanted to hear!)

I finally am exhausted with the hands and knees position. The baby did turn another 10%, but is still partly posterior. I decide to start the Pit with Fentanyl (narcotic) to help me relax and rest some. (I emphatically decline the offer of an epidural as I do not want my mobility compromised and want a natural labor/delivery as much as possible. Turns out I stayed in the bed the rest of the time anyway.) I start crying a little out of frustration and exhaustion. Jason & I am very committed to my having a totally natural birth, and I am so disappointed that surges have slowed down and that the Pit would be necessary. I understand it to be a very good reason for this intervention though. My uterus and I am so tired!! I ask Jason if he is angry, and he says if I need these interventions then I should take them!

The Pit starts at the lowest dose, 2 ml. Every 20 minutes it raises 2 ml. I receive the Fentanyl which should metabolize in about 1 hour. I am finally able to rest!! Only a few of the surges woke me...

Pit is up to 6 ml. Surges are definitely stronger and faster. I'm feeling a little rejuvenated!

I start pushing more, and Zyler is moving down! Ann checks me, and he's at a +2 station and I'm fully dialted! Woohoo!!! I start bearing down a lot more and soon the room floods with hospital staff to prepare for the birth. By this point also I have totally lost all modesty and the hospital gown is gone! My doula is great at telling me to "breathe my baby down" and this allows me to use very low pitches in my voice when bearing down and really push in the right place. (Even though HypnoBirthing tried to teach me not to "push.")

Ann and all the support staff in the room are wonderful at encouraging me through the pushing and not prompting me when to push. They allow my instincts to tell me when to push. I get to the point of exhaustion where I don't believe I can do it! I even doze once in between surges! They also bring the mirror out to encourage me, too, when Zyler's head becomes visible! That is pretty amazing for me to see. I seriously do not understand why it is taking soooo long though to get him out!!

Throughout the night I had continued sipping water, and Kelly & Cindy continued reminding me to urinate, but I couldn't go! Ann finally looks up and sees an extra bulge on my belly--my bladder was extremely full! I get up and try going 1 more time, but to no avail. So I get back in bed and Ann uses a straight catheter and got 1 LITER of urine!! I think she realized my bladder was prohibiting him to move down any further.

Then just 15 minutes later....

Zyler is born! Finally, at 39 weeks 5 days gestation. I finally feel his head come and was preparing for the next surge to push the rest of his body when I finally realize Ann telling me to take my baby! She had pulled the rest of him out for me. Fine by me! :) I grab him and pull him to my chest and my head collapses against the pillows in exhaustion. Zyler has a 6 cm "conehead," and Ann tells me his hand came out beside his face! If it hadn't been for that I would have had plenty of room for him. However, I ended up with a 2nd degree tear on my perineum that requires stitches. Not too bad...

At Ann's suggestion, I push gently 1 more time to expel the placenta which is just near the vaginal opening. I am fascinated by it as she inspects it, showing me the sac and what had fed my baby for the past 9 months.

An RN brings me some Sprite, graham crackers, and Ibuprofen. The Sprite tastes just heavenly! Zyler has Apgar scores of 8 and 9 out of 10) and is in perfect health. With my exhaustion and the newness of motherhood, it takes me several days to get used to the idea that I'm a mom!

Monday, January 7, 2008

We are discharged and go home!


  1. Well done, Paige!
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your Birth Story. I am glad to have been an active participant!

    Zyler is just precious!


  2. Thank you! I'm so glad you were there with me throughout!

  3. Wonderful birth story Paige! Isn't it amazing what our bodies can do? Kudos to you for sticking to your birthing plans and your hopes for a more "natural" birth experience. Great job momma!

  4. Wow! What an event! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it. Pat told me he slept 5 hours for you one night. Hope he tries that again!


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