
28 February 2008

Zyler is 7 Weeks Old!

He had his checkup on Monday and weighs 11 lb 12 oz with his clothes on. :) So, yet again, all is well with the little guy. We will probably start selective vaccinations around 12 weeks.

Breastfeeding is going somewhat better, and I am still pumping and storing milk. I started back to work Wednesday on a mostly MWF schedule. I'm glad I'm going back part time for now, as I still am not getting much sleep! I found a great room in the building with a lock where I can express milk, probably 3 times a day once I am there a full day. Pumping is hard work! So many details and things to coordinate. Breastmilk feeding--whether from the breast or pumped for a bottle--provides such a sense of accomplishment, though.

24 February 2008

Why Continue Breastfeeding?

This article is a great motivator to keep it up! Send it to a pregnant friend who may have had trouble breastfeeding a previous child and is contemplating not even trying again. The experience truly can be so different the next time around. When I'm spending hours upon hours feeding Zyler, even in the "wee" hours of the night, anticipating sharp pains going through my nipple, the article's messages surely helps keep me going!

Today has gone much better on the "bad" side, by the way. It's the small successes that also keep me going!

21 February 2008

6 Week Postpartum Checkup, etc.

We went to my 6-week checkup today. All is well. Just a bit of scar tissue, but my suture is long gone and my bleeding is almost finished. We gave Ann a few pictures and she told us her "horror" story of her first labor--56 hours! YIKES! She gave me hope, though, for any future babies. Her second labor--only 2 hours!

She gave me big kudos for my hard work during my labor. =) We discussed the normal topics--contraception, PPD (postpartum depression), going back to work, being new parents. I'm due to go back in June for my annual checkup unless I want to see her regarding a contraception consult.

Aaahhhh going back to work. I'm supposed to go back next Wednesday part time. I will continue FMLA leave for a few weeks. Our babies are tiny for such a short time! I want to be home as much as possible... But I need to keep my job. We still have not confirmed day care arrangements, though. We are still interviewing prospects so hopefully we will have it figured out soon enough.

Zyler's 6-week checkup is Monday, even though he will be 7 weeks old. Crazy! They aren't kidding when they say how quickly time flies... He ate well last night before I went to bed and slept a 5-hour stretch for me, yay! So he was only up at 3 AM and 6 AM! We are approaching normalcy! I know once you have it figured out, their sleep cycle goes and turns upside down, but I am excited to have gotten 7 hours of sleep last night. It has been pretty rough on me--4 hours 1 night, 5 the next... I have had a hard time turning off my brain after 4 AM but last night I managed to do it. Whew! Thank goodness for the self hypnosis skills I learned with HypnoBirthing.

Oh, and regarding my breastfeeding post. It has definitely gotten easier but it is not where I'd like it to be. I still have a good bit of pain on the right side, especially early on in a feeding. My cracks and sores are healed, so I can't quite figure out what it could be besides it being difficult for Zy to latch when my breast is still very full. I could express before putting him on... but that means more work and more time... so I am just enduring the pain. :) It hurts on the left, too, in the beginning of the feed as he is using his tongue incorrectly to avoid "drowning" with my fast letdown. I use a nipple shield often times to force him to get it right, and then remove it. He usually fixes himself after I force the shield on him. I have been through quite the trouble with him from day 1, so after all this I am not about to give up yet if I can stick it out... Pumping can cause sore nipples, too... but I'm hoping for me that it will give them some relief once I am back at work and he is using bottles more often.

03 February 2008

Zyler is Almost 5 Weeks Old

It is hard to believe he is 4 weeks old already! I have a few minutes to type a quick update. Zyler is doing great and gaining weight beautifully. He's very alert and strong and will start officially "cooing" back to us very soon I believe. He's even started to do the little push ups once in a while during tummy time.

However, we have had quite a time with breastfeeding. It seems 1 issue gets resolved and a new problem arises. I'm going to stick it out a few more weeks though, hopefully, assuming he continues to get enough nutritionally. I definitely do not have a supply problem! I will try to post some details later if time allows. :o)

Polls Recap

On our online game at ExpectNet, here's who came closest to Zyler's correct birth stats:
  • correct birth date: Ruth W. (and closest time!), Julia H., Sara L., & Amy R.
  • closest weight: Jen G.
  • correct length: several loved ones!
On the poll on this blog, most of you thought Zyler would be born "late" or after the due date, but he was born just about on time, 2 days early. And most of you thought he was a boy - of course you are correct! :o)