
28 February 2008

Zyler is 7 Weeks Old!

He had his checkup on Monday and weighs 11 lb 12 oz with his clothes on. :) So, yet again, all is well with the little guy. We will probably start selective vaccinations around 12 weeks.

Breastfeeding is going somewhat better, and I am still pumping and storing milk. I started back to work Wednesday on a mostly MWF schedule. I'm glad I'm going back part time for now, as I still am not getting much sleep! I found a great room in the building with a lock where I can express milk, probably 3 times a day once I am there a full day. Pumping is hard work! So many details and things to coordinate. Breastmilk feeding--whether from the breast or pumped for a bottle--provides such a sense of accomplishment, though.


  1. Aww, I am glad you are both doing so well. What a cutie!

    Also good that you have a supportive environment at work, though I imagine it must still be hard to go back.

  2. Hi, congrats on breastfeeding! You are making a great decision. It takes a while to get use to it, I think after about 8 weeks, we had a great rythym and she was starting to develope a routine. She got more efficient and it was just so easy! Pumping at work is a pain and that is a learned art in and of itself. Sounds like you are doing great though mommy! My dd is 23.5 months and nurses about 3 times a day. It's so rewarding. I will be sad when she weans.

    Keep up the good work. As you know, nursing is very special.

    And congrats on your little guy too!


    (PS, thanks for linking to my article on BPA!) :)


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