
18 February 2010

Birth Matters Virginia: The Estimated Due Date - Are you "Overdue"?

I could not have explained it better! Are you "overdue?" Don't miss the last link on this blog post... ;)

Birth Matters Virginia: The Estimated Due Date - Are you "Overdue"?

For what it's worth, this is a big reason why I did not announce our "due date" this time. The anxiety that builds for mama around that "date" is bad enough for me and my midwives, that I don't need family and friends adding to it. She will come when she's ready. :o) And, if need be, I will work with the midwives that "guess week" in attempts to coax her out. ;-)


  1. Right on! I know it's insensitive, but I grow so tired of reading all my friends facebook posts about "if I hit 40 weeks and no baby, the doctor wants to induce me the next day!" I know some people end up VERY uncomfortable, but I think this is ridiculous. Inducing when your body isn't ready is just flat out fighting nature - causing unnecessary procedures (and more bills) for everyone. Grr. < / steps off soap box >

    I also like the "so have you had the baby yet?" website they list. Will have to remember that - and direct people to accordingly - for the next time around. :)

  2. @tired_triumph - I'm not sure I would say you are "insensitive." :) I know just what you mean, though!

    A word of warning - the hardest place for me to be quiet about the date is at work. They want to know exactly when I'll be gone! So today I gave them a "guess week" and said, or 2+ weeks later... :)


What do you think? Questions? I'd love to hear from you.