
17 March 2010

Hypnobirthing Review

(Side note: I am toying around with Blogger's new templates. You likey?)

On Tuesday my advanced student midwife, Janna, hosted Jason and me in her home for a Hypnobirthing review and "fear release" meditation. She is, conveniently enough, also a Hypnobirthing practitioner. We reviewed my breathing techniques and the light touch massage that is oh-so relaxing.

For maybe a week or more, I have been practicing my Rainbow Relaxation script on the CD every night before I fall asleep. Some nights I am unconscious through most of the colors and regain consciousness as the script is ending! :-)

In the past several days, I've experienced a couple of nights of a few productive surges (contractions) that wake me up. No other major labor signs so far, so I guess my body is just "practicing" and strengthening my uterus! I'm hopeful that I will be able to continue getting decent rest... Fingers crossed.

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