
23 February 2007

7 DPO (7d past ovulation)

Ugh so another learning curve in the journey to motherhood. On one of my online groups (that I had actually considered leaving), I learned that the man should not sit in a hot tub (knew that one) OR a hot bath while trying to get conceive (ttc)! Just 10 minutes in a hot bath can kill sperm for 90 days!!!! They are constantly being reproduced but it takes that long for the swimmers to mature! DUH! I can't believe I never thought of this. Well, I can. I guess I assumed they reproduce in a few days and you're fine again. J loves his hot baths... *sigh* Oh well at least we know now! It's frustrating but a relief in a way if that's really been our problem all along since it's easily reversible. I'm glad I didn't leave that group! The woman who told me said her husband's urologist is insistent that they should be able to get pregnant soon after 90 days from the time he stopped his hot baths! So if that's true for us, too, that puts us at conceiving after May 23. Maybe it's a sign--we conceived in May of 2006 the first time!

Our other problem that we discovered a few months back was using lubrication. Little did we know it kills the swimmers before they ever reach my cervix! That should be a warning on the tube! But then it would be used as a contraceptive and they would get sued by somebody who got pregnant by accident. So, we stopped using that right away.

The hot bath thing just makes me wonder again about the miscarriage... maybe, just maybe, a sperm that wasn't fully matured was somehow able to fertilize the egg, which caused a genetic abnormality (very common cause of miscarriages).

I am feeling no different than in past months at this time in the cycle... Not feeling very hopeful for a BFP (big fat positive) this month. If menses doesn't show and temperature stays up, I plan to test on March 1.

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