
19 March 2007

CD 20 - 3 DPO (3d past ovulation)

Geez we technically "took a break" this cycle but still ended up making love around ovulation day. However, FertilityFriend once again changed O day after my temps took another rise. Originally I O'd on CD 15, but then it changed it to CD 17. It makes me want to throw away all the charts and thermometers! But I know how important the charts can be for historical purposes so I want to continue charting. And, of course, I'll need them if we need to see an R.E. (reproductive endocrinologist). I'm also very interested in using the Fertility Awareness Method for birth control in the future (which of course requires taking my basal temperature every day).

So if I go with FF's change, I am currently just 3 days past ovulation instead of 5. I'm still trying to be relaxed about this. I was so happy to see my chart looking more "normal" and not so erratic this cycle. I also attribute that to my extra B6 boost that I started about a month ago.

1 comment:

  1. Paige, this happened to me last cycle too!I felt the same way that you did. FF moved me up 4 days after another temperature rise. I still wonder if it was correct....


What do you think? Questions? I'd love to hear from you.