
29 June 2007

12w 3d - Ups & Downs

OK so I'm overdue for these... my Ups list grows! Yay!

  • That emotional wall that most women build around them after a loss is still around me. I'm excited but can't help but be cautious and guarded.
  • Most of my regular pants no longer fit, but none of my maternity pants fit. Aargh!
  • My in-laws already stripped wallpaper and tore up carpeting in the "little bedroom" aka "soon-to-be-nursery." (It's still the little bedroom to me.) They accomplished this all in 1 day!! Thanks again Mom & Dad!
  • I got tons of used maternity clothes from friends and new ones for my birthday.
  • I've told "the world" now, so it's "out." It's kind of a relief. Makes it feel more real. My boss(es) have known for a little while and have remained supportive.
  • We heard our baby's heartbeat on Wednesday! (See Wednesday's post.) It was so amazing and reassuring.
  • I've started a new exercise regimen -- walking and Yoga. I found a great DVD Yoga series that takes me through each trimester. It is so relaxing, spirit healing, and even challenging at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! CONGRATS! I was just catching up on your webpage, and I'm so happy for you! Sending lots and lots of love in your direction! te


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