
04 November 2007

30w 5d – Hospital BirthPlace Tour

We got the tour over with and I practiced some of my relaxation breathing in the waiting room. I’ve heard many women say that all the relaxation breathing in the world couldn’t help them through the pains of labor. I’m really hoping HypnoBirthing techniques come through for me! I trust that it definitely has the potential to, and that I am capable of experiencing a gentle, natural birth. Whew, I guess I needed to get out some of those affirmations!

Back to the tour. We saw the regular and special care nurseries, as well as an L&D room and a postpartum room. Oh, and the nurse leading the tour showed us *those doors* we would go through should we encounter the need for a cesarean section. Jason asked if he could go back, and the nurse explained that yes, under most circumstances, unless it is a quick emergency.

The L&D room stunk like feces! It was horrible. Luckily all the rooms weren’t like that. Maybe it hadn’t been fully cleaned yet. There had just been several discharges. Anyway we saw the Jacuzzi-tub, bench the birth companion (Jason) would be able sleep on, and different cribs the babies would sleep in. I asked also to see a birth ball and birthing stool. I gave the stool a try and it was quite comfortable. I’ll be able to imagine myself using it in my birthing imagery.

At the end we saw a newborn through the nursery glass getting his first bath. It seemed a little sad that the proud papa was outside the glass with us, just watching. Nobody else was in the nursery so I suppose he could have asked to be there. Maybe he didn’t think to ask. The nurse sure seemed awfully rough with his bath! He was all red from crying so hard aww.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to tell ya this but they aren't gentle when it comes to that first bath. It just goes to show that you wont 'break' the baby. :) SG


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