
26 December 2007

38w 1d - Appointment

I had my 38-week appointment today with the same CNM who I talked a lot with about the GBS+... She was awesome and asked how I was doing with that. I told her that I never got through to 1 of the baby's docs about it but that I have my plan of action and I'm at peace with it... I also plan to start a garlic regimen to reduce the GBS colonization.

She went over some basic advice for the first couple of weeks as parents which I found very nice and helpful, and I was glad Jason was there to hear some of it. =) Such as suggesting that I get out of the house for even an hour and leave him with the baby to put him in a bit different role. We also discussed a little about breastfeeding and bottle feeding.

Pason's heart rate was around 120 I think--we're guessing it was napping. Still head down and in great position. We discussed their protocol if I get to 41 weeks as they don't like to go over 42... And I told her basically there aren't any labor symptoms and she saw that as a good thing so my body wouldn't be messing with my mind driving me crazy and not letting me sleep. =) I've had very occasional back cramping and seldom sharp cervical discomfort, but nothing I can time with any regularity.

Oh and she confirmed if I am using evening primrose oil to help "prime" and thin my cervix. I'm currently using 1500 mg and she suggested I could go up to even 3000 mg anytime now.

They will start doing cervical checks next week (Wednesday) if I want them to. I'm kind of undecided being GBS+ but she said if water isn't broken then risk is minimal, if any.

I've found a great midwifery article about self-treatment of the GBS with garlic and the article also discusses cervical checks if you are interested.

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