
27 March 2008


I had followed this gal's blog that I stumbled across. Her son had a birth defect that took his life at 9 weeks and 4 days. He was born a day after Zyler on January 7. Doctors did not expect him to survive much longer after birth. These videos tell his story. Thanks be to God for the gifts of joy he shared with his parents and big sister in the time they had with him. His mother's faith and courage are awe inspiring to me. I just couldn't not share Joshua's story. Be sure to watch to the end if you're able. They've shared some beautiful stats and stories in text about him.

1 comment:

  1. Most inspiring...I couldn't watch it in it's entirety for the tears in my eyes. What a gift he brought to his family even for a short time. I am reminded that it is a blessing to have three healthy children.


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