
03 May 2010

Ahlia's Birth Story

"Thank you" goes to my midwife apprentice, Janna Grapperhaus, for the labor notes that helped me detail this story. :-) Please feel free to ask me any questions about my pregnancy, labor, or delivery! You may comment here or contact me directly (see the About Me page).
baby shower, 2/24/10
Mon, 3/15/10 - Some surges/contractions in my lower back kept me up for a couple of hours. Finally fell back asleep after listening to my HypnoBirthing Rainbow Relaxation a couple of times. In the coming week, braxton hicks cx continued as they had for weeks...

Fri, 3/19/10 - Weekly checkup - 2 cm dilated, 20% effaced, 0 station. Cervix in a posterior position. Getting increasingly difficult to be comfortable sleeping.

Mon, 3/22/10 - Had some minor swelling over the weekend and gained 5 lb! Midwife wanted to see me. BP normal, 128/70. Need to push fluids and protein. 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced, 0 station, cervix more anterior. Great progress!

Tue, 3/23/10 - Saw a pink tinge of "birth show" late morning and increase in cervical fluid. Feeling a good bit of downward pressure after a surge. Could it happen in the next 2 days? Still no name chosen... Are we really going to be the parents of two any time now???

Thu, 3/25/10 - mw appointment. Actually, I'm 2 cm dilated. 3 cm measurements (above) is a different type of measurement (external vs. internal os). But... 70% effaced!

Fri, 3/26/10 - Sent Zyler to Grandmom's house until Sunday and Jason and I went out to eat at the Outback. My plate included: 6-oz sirloin, sweet potato, mixed veggies, and we shared a very rich peanut butter pie dessert. I really shouldn't have... I was so full! Also saw my friend J.B. there. She was not in a very good place emotionally, but as we chatted outside, she encouraged me and J. to "dtd" (abb. for "do the deed") that night. I had already been considering... maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow? We came home and did decide to, before retiring at 11 PM (2300)!

So, I put in my Rainbow Relaxation CD...

@ 2315, I had a couple of Braxton Hicks type contractions, and I felt a tiny "gush!" It was so small, that I wasn't sure if it was amniotic fluid or any other type of fluid... but I went ahead and called my midwife, Janna. At the time, she was an advanced student being supervised by 2 other women for my pregnancy who are both CPMs and CNMs. (I had a lot of knowledge and expertise at the ready!) She called them to check in and formulate a plan. We had tested with a couple of pH strips and determined that most likely my water broke! It happened that quickly. (J. said later that it was perhaps a coincidence. Did sex really get labor going?? Yes, I believe it did!) The "head" supervising midwife agreed that Janna should go ahead and come to my house to check things out. We agreed to let Jason sleep so that at least one parent was rested. He can be real sleep-deprived grump, anyway. :o)

Sat, 3/27/10, 0135 - Janna arrived. FHT (fetal heart tone) 126, baby LOP (left side, slightly posterior), ctx 10-15 minutes apart, lasting 30 seconds. Once again, as with baby Z., all ctx are felt in my very lower back near my tailbone... I stayed downstairs to labor while we let J. rest in our bedroom. I had to keep going in the room, though, to get labor supplies and woke him a few times.

After much debate, it is finally decided to do a sterile speculum exam to determine for sure if my water had broken. I would have preferred not to, but the supervising midwives wanted to be sure if the "clock" had started ticking or not so we could do everything possible to not need to do a hospital transfer at 12 hours out... So I got our dog, Indy, outside to get him out of the way.

0230 - sterile exam, lots of fluid pooling, vernix is visible (which I now realize I saw in my "earlier" waters), confirmed also on pH test that my waters had broken. Pulse 88, BP 128/82.

There was also debate about an induction via castor oil. Again, my caregivers were uneasy about my water being broken and the "clock" (I was also GBS+), and the supervising midwife really preferred induction via castor oil. In the end, I agreed to it. Janna uses herbs and homeopathy to induce so I had what you might say a triple whammy! I didn't mind too much this type of "intervention" (OK, I did mind the castor oil later on!), but I still wonder what my body might have done on its own...

0235 - 2 oz castor oil in root beer float

0250 - Hibiclens wash (for GBS+ treatment)

0258-0400 - series of herbs and homeopathic tinctures

0310 - FHT 136

0330 - 2nd dose - 2 oz castor oil in root beer float

0345 - ctx 8-10 min, 30-40 sec

0400 - FHT 142; ctx 6-8 min, 30-45 sec

0420-0435 - ctx were clearly picking up... I'm doing the low moaning with each one, as I had experienced with Z. Here is where I got queasy and tried to ignore my tummy cramping. Then I decided I really should let Janna know, and she got a pail for me "just in case." I'm lying on the couch listening to lovely Hypnobirthing music this whole time, and all of a sudden, good thing that pail was there. Up came that second root beer float! Poor Janna said she had quite a time cleaning the castor oil out of the pail! At this point my ctx really pick up and become much stronger and closer together.

Around this time (I think) I actively thought I might be in that intriguing "transition" period. I actually remember hitting that wall that some many women speak of and thinking during some ctx, "I don't know if I can do this!" I didn't tell Janna my thoughts as I was trying to stay "in my zone."

0430 - I believe this is when we woke Jason and told him to get the birth pool ready!

0444 - Janna calls supervising midwives; ctx 4-6 min, 45-60 sec

0500 - start moving upstairs! Had some strong ctx leaning against the walls... Janna canceled Jason on the birth pool set up. :( No time!

0523 - I got on the bed and Janna finally had a chance to check me. I'm at 10 cm, but with a fat cervical lip. I was really wanting to push, but she tells me to blow through the ctx so as not to tear my cervix and try to get the swelling on my cervix to reduce. I tried hands and knees but it was really uncomfortable during a ctx, so I get on my right side. While on hands and knees, though, I urinated a lot. I actually was a little confused as to what type of fluid it was... It surprised me so! But I remember Janna reassuring me that it was OK; the baby was descending. This was a relief as I had had a bit of anxiety about making sure my bladder was empty since it had gotten so full with Z's birth that I could not push him out without a straight cath.

Jason tries to call the 2 photographers we had lined up but neither answered their phones...

0535 - Midwife #2 arrives. Janna still telling me to blow through my ctx. Can I strangle her instead? ;-) FHT 136; ctx 3-5 min apart. J calls my mom to let her know "it's time." I wanted her to be able to be there to experience a normal birth. She thought he meant I was just going into labor, though, so she and dad were taking their time...

0543 - FHT 145

0545 - FHT 140s; midwives see small bits of baby hair at ctx peak! Can I get this baby out yet??

0554 - Midwife #1 arrives; Janna reduces the cervical lip by pushing it back over the baby's head. I actually felt a bit of relief in the pain when she does this. Time to actively push! I'm still on my right side...

0555-0603 - FHT remains in 130s-140s

0606 - FHT 150s; baby is crowning! The stretching of that tissue is such an intense feeling!

0608 - FHT 130s

0610 - FHT 110; full crown!

0611 - Mom's here! My dad stayed downstairs but she called him up. Poor Daddy, hope it wasn't too traumatic and awkward for you. At that point, getting ready to push her out, I don't think I would have cared what blood relative would have walked in.

3/27/10 0613 - I remember baby Z pretty much shooting out, but Ahlia's head came out and her body stopped! Her chunky shoulders were stuck... I looked down at my midwives, like, what do I do? Midwife #1 asked to give a big push, and Janna helped wiggle her shoulders out. My sweet Ahlia is in my arms! She still didn't have a name at that point, but "Baby Girl Kite" was good enough at the time. :)

0614 AM - Mamma and Baby Girl
I did receive a 2nd degree tear once again due to her chunky shoulders. Midwife #1 kindly and lovingly sutured me, and from what I can tell I have healed well!

I felt tired after laboring all night, but not even close to the fatigue I felt after the 15+ hour labor with Z when I was in "transition" for probably 10 hours!

Ahlia received a healthy exam with 8 and 9 apgar scores.

1200 - Finally, the effects of the first castor oil dose! I spent a half hour on the toilet, almost 6 hours after Ahlia's arrival! Ugh.

What an empowering experience! I still can not put it adequately into words. I felt very empowered with an almost natural birth with Z, but something about having her at home made a big difference. I trust birth, and I trust home birth is very safe for "low risk" pregnancies, so I know we made the right decision... It was not a decision made just for me to have "the comforts of home." I wish all women could better understand their options! I truly believe more women would choose birth with a midwife, be it at home or in a birth center.

Thank you, Janna, for everything! And thanks to the supervising midwives and all who helped us along the way. It was big journey for me and a quite stressful pregnancy. Now, the real fun - the infant stage (again) and raising a brother and sister! Ahlia, you are 5 weeks old now and have brought so much joy to our household already! Our family is so blessed!! Thanks be to God!

Zyler 27 months, Ahlia 1 month. He loves cuddling "Baby Sister" :)

12 April 2010

Please Consider Donating Toward My "March for Babies" on May 1... or Join Our Family Team!

one day... all babies will be born healthy

today... too many moms and families know the heartbreak of having a baby born fighting to survive

I have been truly blessed with a very healthy son (b. January '08) and daughter (b. March 27, 2010)!

I've joined March for Babies because the March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation. The money we raise for March for Babies will help:
  • support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects
  • educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby
  • provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care
  • push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children
Please help by donating today! It's easy, safe and secure - just click to make your donation.

Thanks so much for supporting this worthy cause!!

The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Your gift will support March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

Or, walk with me and join our "Kite Family" team by following this link!

23 March 2010

Proud Momma!!

Drum roll please... A few days ago--I believe on Saturday--Zyler, at 26 months, peed in his potty for the first time!

He and I had finished his bath, and he wanted to sit on his potty as usual and was repeating "pee potty!" I tried to wait patiently as he stared up at me. I got the feeling I wasn't supposed to stay in the room! (Like his Daddy already!) So, I asked him if he wanted Mommy to go in the hallway, and I told him I'd come back in when he was finished. I left the door cracked so I could watch him through the mirror but he got up and shut to door on me! I softly cracked it back open to look and saw that he was sitting on the potty again. I opened the door a few moments later to check and he said "pee, potty!" Indeed, he had gotten it all in his potty!

It is so funny how proud we are of those "firsts!" I couldn't contain myself and made such a big deal of it, of course. The next evening we tried again with Daddy helping with bath time but while we went in the hallway, he proceeded to pee all over the 1978 shag carpet. LOL!! I laughed and Daddy kind of threw up his hands. We were hoping we'd have a few more months before that started. Maybe we will have to redecorate the kids' bathroom sooner rather than later. ;-)

22 March 2010

Abdominal Binder

Last Friday I began wearing an "abdominal binder" for a slightly "pendulous uterus/abdomen." I looked for link to help explain these terms but had trouble finding very much pertinent info. I did find this, though, from Spinning Babies:

Using a pregnancy belt for transverse lie

When the lower abdomen is loose, as with a pendulous uterus, add a pregnancy belt to create an improved slope to the lower uterine segment.

A pregnancy belt helps the uterine ligaments hold the uterus upright so the baby can get into an upright position.

For the mom with loose ligaments, I would suggest wearing a pregnancy belt in the fifth month through to labor, and for very loose moms with a pendulous womb, then wearing the belt through pushing the baby out is safest.

Women with tight ligaments can wear a pregnancy belt too for the support is actually relaxing.
It does help my belly and back feel more supported. I kind of wish I had started wearing it a couple of months ago. I need to take it off at night as it is a bit difficult to sleep with, but it could be that I don't have quite the right size.

I do not have a sideways baby, however! The concern from my midwives is that my uterus cannot work as efficiently if it is slightly angled. Peanut is at 0 station and in good position, so getting her engaged in the cervix is not the concern. We just don't want her to "cook" for too long and get too big if my uterus is not working as efficiently as it could be.

17 March 2010

Hypnobirthing Review

(Side note: I am toying around with Blogger's new templates. You likey?)

On Tuesday my advanced student midwife, Janna, hosted Jason and me in her home for a Hypnobirthing review and "fear release" meditation. She is, conveniently enough, also a Hypnobirthing practitioner. We reviewed my breathing techniques and the light touch massage that is oh-so relaxing.

For maybe a week or more, I have been practicing my Rainbow Relaxation script on the CD every night before I fall asleep. Some nights I am unconscious through most of the colors and regain consciousness as the script is ending! :-)

In the past several days, I've experienced a couple of nights of a few productive surges (contractions) that wake me up. No other major labor signs so far, so I guess my body is just "practicing" and strengthening my uterus! I'm hopeful that I will be able to continue getting decent rest... Fingers crossed.

08 March 2010

More "Month 9" Ups & Downs

Time for a few more ups and downs:

Downs ... with Ups
  • I tested positive again for GBS, as I did with Zyler. (See previous GBS posts.) Not a huge concern, as many women choose not to get the test and deliver perfectly healthy babies... but my supervising midwives were especially concerned for different reasons. I wanted to proceed with a home birth, so we decided to have me test again after I had been diligent about various measures to eradicate the bacteria. The drama and stress of the situation was great, due to details not appropriate for this public media, but we were successful and got a negative result! So, we have a plan of action for treatment during labor, as well as while I am still pregnant (including garlic and a chlorhexidine wash). I am trusting that all will work out as it should. I prayed for God to let me know if I should return to a hospital-planned birth (for IV antibiotics), but I have yet to receive that message. So, just another down that has become an "up." :)
  • No imminent signs of labor... but my midwives are hoping I make it at least another week so as to have as strong a baby as possible. (See above bullet.) At my last checkup, however, they guesstimated a good-sized baby at maybe 7.25 lb.
  • Got a little cold from Zyler. Nothing too miserable, though.
  • I'm still feeling relatively good. Sleep is pretty good (most nights), and my diastasis recti isn't quite as painful as a few weeks ago.
  • Zyler's new room (aka "blue room") is coming along. (I know, we need to get some pictures!) Jason and his dad got the sub-floor installed. Now, to purchase new hardwood flooring.

01 March 2010

A Wake Up Story | Seventh Generation

A moving clip about the safety of our homes... See original post here:
A Wake Up Story | Seventh Generation

A Wake-Up Story from Healthy Child Healthy World on Vimeo.

28 February 2010

Ups & Downs

I'm well overdue for an update, so I thought I'd share one in the form of a few ups and downs.

First, some downs:
  • I've had off and on struggles with increased intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are definitely more noticable this go around, and with my diastasis recti again, the more intense contractions only aggravate those tearing muscles...
  • We probably won't have Zyler's new room ready in time to move him before his little sister arrives... but not a big deal. It will all work out. The baby will start in our room anyway.
  • After two appeals, our health insurance carrier continues to deny coverage of the home birth and prenatal care. The home birth I can somewhat understand, but I am still fighting for the prenatal care. I'm not hopeful for a "win" on this battle, but at least I can say that I tried. Anyone out there happen to have any experience with civil action under ERISA?
  • Still undecided on "Peanut's" legal name. It was a very difficult decision for us for Zyler, too. He was a day old before we committed.
And, the ups:
  • My checkups have all been great. No reason for concerns... Peanut moves a lot and is in excellent position. My midwives are confident I will have a much quicker labor this time. We recently had my home visit where they delivered the birth pool (on loan), went over some other supplies, and walked us through a mock birth "just in case" Peanut decides to appear before they arrive!
  • A HUGE thanks to Mom & Dad Kite for all their decorating help (again!). They have ripped up the carpeting and painted beautiful blue in the spare bedroom (Z's new room). You guys rock!!
  • My friend at church insisted on throwing us another baby shower. (She hosted one for Zyler, as well.) So, we have a very adorable start on girl's clothing. I had bought some cute things on Craigslist, as well, and Zyler's infant clothing is in really good shape. Thank you again, Corey!
... 'til next time!

    18 February 2010

    Birth Matters Virginia: The Estimated Due Date - Are you "Overdue"?

    I could not have explained it better! Are you "overdue?" Don't miss the last link on this blog post... ;)

    Birth Matters Virginia: The Estimated Due Date - Are you "Overdue"?

    For what it's worth, this is a big reason why I did not announce our "due date" this time. The anxiety that builds for mama around that "date" is bad enough for me and my midwives, that I don't need family and friends adding to it. She will come when she's ready. :o) And, if need be, I will work with the midwives that "guess week" in attempts to coax her out. ;-)

    15 February 2010

    Maternity Proofs Posted

    Sherri posted the proofs from our recent shoot. You will need to scroll down a bit on the page, past the video. Enjoy!

    13 February 2010

    IUD and Birth Control

    I have been doing some reading on the IUD for birth control. I thought there were two types available in the U.S., but one source is telling me the only option is the Mirena brand. Can anyone provide any feedback on the IUD, good or bad? Shoot a comment to the blog...

    Based on my reading, I am wary of using it the first year since I want to breastfeed again. Long term breastfeeding rates appear "iffy" at first glance. Hmmmmm. Besides, a part of me wants to stay and has stayed far away from hormonal BC... I hated the affects of the Pill, but I know hormonally the Pill is different from the IUD progesterone-only... The pros of the IUD are appealing...

    Interesting contradictions here on Wikipedia for nursing mothers. As usual, has some good info also.

    11 February 2010

    Homebirth Coloring Book

    What a cute coloring/story book to share with your young child prior to a home birth. Too bad they left out the actual birth. :) Coloring Book - North Carolina Homebirth

    Maternity Photos Preview

    At 33 weeks preggo, Jason, Zyler and I spent a nice time with Sherri Patrick Heishman of Twist and Snap Photography. Here is a beautiful video preview of our photos. Enjoy!

    We haven't gotten to preview them in person, yet, but I think I will be pleased. Zyler was too shy to hug my belly like he does at home, but hopefully we still got some nice family shots for the memory books. :)