
07 November 2007

31w 1d - Midwife Appointment & Massage

I finally met the fourth midwife today, Ann. I loved her! My BP was good (forgot the measurement), weight gain good, around 21 lb so far. I think Pason's head is down to the left, and feet up and to the right, but Ann couldn't find the head. No biggie, still plenty of time. Heartbeat was around 139 bpm--stayin' strong!

I asked her about the "physician preference" of the newborn exam being done in the nursery, and who should we request if we absolutely don't want this? She gave me a recommendation of one of the practices who does rounds at the hospital that, as far as she knows, always does the exams in the room! yay! This is a relief. She said they tend to be a little more laid back and personable. I hope she's right.

This evening I had a maternity back massage for 30 minutes due to an awful pain I got in my upper back not long ago from using the mouse and typing. I feel sooooo much better! It was totally worth it, and I'm "cheap!" :-)


  1. Glad to hear that everything continues to go well, Paige. Sounds like you have a great midwives and are well on your way to getting the birth experience you want.

  2. Sorry, that's me above, I forgot to sign out of my other account!

    Ann delivered Adam. I really liked her too. Only 21 pounds! That's awesome, you look like you've only gained in your belly. Shower preps are going well! I'm excited!


What do you think? Questions? I'd love to hear from you.