
06 November 2007

ICAN Information Meeting & A Doula

Tonight I attended a Birth Matters Virginia meeting. The presenter was the founder of the SW VA chapter of ICAN, the International Cesarean Awareness Network. I learned a great deal about what the docs don't want us to know!

I learned a little under each of the following topics regarding c-sections:
  • statistics (almost 1 in 3 births in the U.S.)
  • why they are performed
  • how they are performed
  • benefits
  • risks
  • how to prevent "the first cut" (c-section in a first birth) and subsequent c-sections
  • hospitals that "ban" VBACs
    • Under this heading... The hospital where I am delivering is one of them! I had no idea and was appalled. However, a few ladies in the meeting noted that if the mother is outspoken enough, the care giver has happily complied and allowed the VBAC "procedure." (Though there is no "procedure" about it--it's a natural part of life and a mother's choice to deliver at a hospital.)
Also at the meeting I met a couple of doulas who lead the Birth Matters group. I have thought more extensively about using a paid doula instead of the volunteer doula program through the hospital. From what I hear it will be completely worth our money to hire one. I think I'll be looking up a few to interview.


  1. RMH does not "ban" VBACs. The Birth Matters group needs to get their information correct. In fact, every physician/midwife practice will do them. I personally know several women who have had VBACs recently and had a beautiful delivery.

  2. Anonymous, this is great news. I believe this info came from a regional ICAN rep. I apologize if I posted mis-information.

    Thanks for your comment!


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