
30 September 2009

Home Birth Plan

That is, home birth is our birth plan at this time. Jason and I are each in a consensus about the choice, and feel it is safe. I still have somewhat a reservation about it, but when I think of another dozen reservations against another hospital birth. If you recall, I actually did have a relatively good birth experience with Z. However, I was constantly anxious over the strangers coming in and out of my birth room, and I hated the equipment hooked up to me. I know first labors can be very long and tedious--which mine certainly was--but in the back of my mind I still wonder how much more progress I could have made in the comfort of my own home. After all, I arrived at the hospital around 2300 at 8.5 cm dilated and he was born at 1021 the next day... eek!

Many studies have proven it safe. If you feel so inclined and are at all interested in birth issues, please see The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake. Truly an enlightening documentary about toady's culture and business of childbirth. I found it at my library. It's a very well done film and has been in the press a good deal.

Certainly lots of details to work out... The first of which was choosing a home birth midwife. (I really wish I could hire Z's midwife who was on rotation that night, but alas, as a busy CNM in the hospital setting, I do not see how that could be an option for her.) I was thorough and interviewed all the surrounding licensed CPMs who would see me. I wanted someone I connected with, obviously. But one particular question I asked each one was if she is Christian. I found only one who was both Christian and I felt that connection. After much prayer and discernment, I have chosen Vickie Ligouri of McGaheysville. (Her link may be broken as she is still working out the fun details of getting the site going.) Since we should be keeping God at the center of our lives, I felt it an important question to ask. What better place to begin the Walk than while under prenatal care in the womb? Vickie is experienced but just beginning to get her business off the ground.

I would like to speak with my previous provider (the team of now six CNM's at Rockingham Memorial Hospital) and see if they would see me should we choose to transfer. I would feel most comfortable going to RMH in a non-emergent situation. However, if we are in an emergency, we are only ten minutes from another good hospital, Augusta Health.

Please comment here on the blog (or Facebook, email, etc.) about any feedback you can share or just any info in general. We appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts for our family!

~ Shalom ~

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